Mission board election thread

In compliance with HIP-39 and within the period set by its norm, I open the election thread for the mission board members that will finish on May 29th of 2022.

There are 4 Mission board positions, and this thread covers all 4 of them.

The proposed timeline for this election will be as follows:

  • Candidacy open: effective immediately
  • Candidacy close: April 29th
  • Snapshot Election starts: May 21st
  • Snapshot Election ends: May 28th

This thread will be for candidacies only . A separate thread will be dedicated to the discussion related to this post or the electoral process.

Each candidacy post must have at the minimum the eth address of the wallet that is Registered to Proof of Humanity. Optional information would be a small bio and/or what is your motivation to become a Mission Board member of Proof of Humanity.


Hello Humans :wave: ! With this post I’d like to formally propose my candidacy as a Mission Board member. As some of you know, Ive been mainly focusing on making the next version of UBI but have also been helping in the past with some technical advice (like this post for making time constrained registration evidence)
Im a senior developer with more than 20 years of experience in the field of software development, so my main skills are mostly technical, which is where I feel I can help mostly to the project.

Please, feel free to ask any questions or doubts you might have related to my candidacy.

My address on the Proof of Humanity registry is 0x2ad91063e489CC4009DF7feE45C25c8BE684Cf6a


Hello Verified Humans,
I would like to stand for election for an open position on Mission Board of PoH. My focus so far has been on trying to push PoH towards being an organization capable of efficiently taking decisions. The challenge we had in agreeing on hiring a project manager tells me that we are not there yet.

During the application process for project manager, I interviewed all applicants and reviewed their pro’s and con’s. However, I, like everyone else, had no power to move the process forward. I wish to take up this role again, and together with the new board, move the hiring process forward.

My address in PoH registry is 0x77E851A926297fff2E6BC8FDbB5bB6087a617eC5


[English version below]

Soy Luis, alias Ludoviko. Desde hace casi un año soy un miembro activo en la DAO y la Comunidad de Proof of Humnanity, ayudando a la DAO a construir una comunidad próspera e independiente. Mi visión para PoH es clara y he actuado para hacerla realidad desde el día 0. Mis acciones son también una prueba de ello. Trabajaré por

  • Verdaderas acciones participativas e independencia del PoH
  • Un registro limpio que tenga una alineación de incentivos de buena fe
  • La universalidad.

Mi dirección de ETH en PoH es 0x504E7620069a0a8354434dED3150ed7E2ECF5153
Para más información pueden consultar mi hilo de delegación,

I am Luis a.k.a. Ludoviko. For almost a year now I’ve been an active member in the Proof of Humnanity DAO and Community, helping the DAO to build a thriving, independent community. My vision for PoH is clear and I’ve acted to make it a reality since day 0. My actions are also a proof of this. I will work for

  • True participative actions and independence of PoH
  • A clean registry that has good-faith alignment of incentives
  • Universality.

My ETH Address in PoH is 0x504E7620069a0a8354434dED3150ed7E2ECF5153
Make sure to check my delegation thread.



It was a great honour to serve this DAO during its first year as Mission Board member. I’d like to propose myself for a new term in order to keep helping PoH and UBI grow in every possible way.

During this first year I was involved with several projects that include the Humanitarian Vaults that use yield to burn UBI tokens; engaged with the community during events held in Paris, Buenos Aires and London among other places; and I’m currently involved with the development of UBI v2.

It’s worth mentioning that a noteworthy achievement for our DAO that we should be proud as a community was becoming a project that got Vitalik Buterin’s support. His tour in Buenos Aires even inspired the creation of organizations like Proof of Integrity which are doing field work to onboard vulnerable families from low income neighbourhoods into PoH.

We have an enormous potential as a social technology and I’d like to renew my commitment to this DAO so I can help it in every possible way.

My delegation pitch.

My Proof of Humanity address is 0x2A52309eDF998799C4A8b89324CCAd91848c8676.


Fue un gran honor servir a esta DAO durante su primer año como miembro de la Junta de la Misión. Me gustaría proponerme para un nuevo mandato con el fin de seguir ayudando a PoH y UBI a crecer de todas las formas posibles.

Durante este primer año participé en varios proyectos que incluyen las [Bóvedas Humanitarias] (https://app.democracy.earth) que usan yield para quemar tokens UBI; interactué con la comunidad durante eventos realizados en París, Buenos Aires y Londres entre otros lugares; y actualmente estoy involucrado con el [desarrollo de UBI v2] (https://github.com/democracyearth/ubi).

Vale la pena mencionar que un logro notable para nuestro DAO del que debemos estar orgullosos como comunidad fue [convertirse en un proyecto que obtuvo el apoyo de Vitalik Buterin] (How Blockchain Could Solve the Problem of Digital Identity | Time). en Buenos Aires incluso inspiró la creación de organizaciones como [Proof of Integrity] (https://twitter.com/santisiri/status/1508868128704446472?s=20&t=vLumeSjvV0mmTX_NnZ-6kg) que están haciendo trabajo de campo registrando a familias vulnerables de barrios de escasos recursos para PoH.

Tenemos un enorme potencial como tecnología social y me gustaría renovar mi compromiso con esta DAO para poder ayudarla en todo lo posible.

Mi [discurso de delegación] (Delegation thread - #3 by santisiri).

Mi dirección de prueba de humanidad es [0x2A52309eDF998799C4A8b89324CCAd91848c8676] (Proof of Humanity, a sybil-proof list of humans.).


Hey humans,

I would like to propose myself as a candidate to be a member of the Mission Board. I’ve been an active member of the DAO since the project launched. During this period, I’ve spent a lot of time not only participating in the DAO’s decisions and engaging with the community, but also studying and interacting with other similar projects, and immersing myself in DAO governance and the web3 world.

I’m always striving to be an ambassador of the project to the outside communities, to get people interested in collaborating, and integrating POH in their projects. I also try to be a reconciling voice whenever there’s a conflict, and aim to cultivate a welcoming environment in the DAO, which I think is crucial for the project’s success.

It would greatly help with my outreach endeavors to be an official representative, and I believe I can help the DAO settle internal disputes on a friendly manner.

My Proof of Humanity address is 0x6687c671980e65ebd722b9146fc61e2471558dd6

Hola humanos,

Me gustaría proponerme como candidato para ser miembro del Mission Board. He sido un miembro activo de la DAO desde el lanzamiento del proyecto. Durante este período, he pasado mucho tiempo no sólo participando en las decisiones de la DAO y involucrándome con la comunidad, sino también estudiando e interactuando con otros proyectos similares, y sumergiéndome en la gobernanza de DAOs y en el mundo de la web3.

Siempre me esfuerzo por ser un embajador del proyecto ante las comunidades externas, para que la gente se interese en colaborar e integrar el POH en sus proyectos. También intento ser una voz reconciliadora siempre que hay un conflicto, y pretendo cultivar un ambiente acogedor en la DAO, que creo que es crucial para el éxito del proyecto.

Ser un representante oficialmente me ayudaría mucho en mis esfuerzos de divulgación, y creo que puedo ayudar a la DAO a resolver las disputas internas de forma amistosa.

Mi dirección de Proof of Humanity es 0x6687c671980e65ebd722b9146fc61e2471558dd6


Hi fellow verified humans,

As a founder of Proof of Humanity, I’m extremely proud to see how PoH as evolved from a simple whitepaper to the leading Ethereum Proof of Personhood project managed with more than 12 000 registered users.

I started working on Proof Of Humanity in 2019 after watching this talk of Vitalik Buterin. I wrote the white paper (in a swimming pool in Bali, beautiful place for creativity by the way), communicated about the project (like in this talk at ETHCC), gathered some people of Kleros and people interested in Proof of Personhood.
There was a lot of backclash at that time (mainly related to deepfake attacks and showing your face) but we still continued on the project.

I led the technical effort with other Kleros members to develop Proof Of Humanity and we released it in 2021.
We are still actively maintaining it and working on a cross chain version (which will drastically reduce gas costs and deposits).

I’ve also been working on getting other projects to use PoH. The most important being getting the UBI project on board. I also helped for the Artisticalintelligence free NFTdrop to verified humans and working on having other projects use PoH (NFT curation and even a dating project).

For the next year, if you approve it, the goal will be to have a dedicated PoH team (relaunching a recruitment campaign) and release the cross chain version need for PoH to scale.

My PoH address is 0xfd1Af514B8b2bf00d1999497668BFF26Ccdf4C8a.


[English version below]

Hola, soy valen. Con este post me postulo formalmente como candidato.
Soy miembro de pOH hace un año aproximadamente, y un miembro activo de la comunidad de proof of humanity.
En mi recorrido en la DAO, he aprendido mucho, y agradezco a la comunidad por eso. Actualmente, y a lo largo de este año, empecé a formar parte de sub-grupos dentro de proof of humanity. Como por ejemplo:

  • Coordinador del grupo principal en español de proof of humanity. Trabajé organizando, guiando, explicando y resolviendo cuestiones que presentaban los miembro nuevos o preexistentes. Logrando un human support activo, y la organización de mensajes con información sobre el proceso.

  • Administrador y coordinador del grupo de crowdfunding. Ayudando activamente y logrando el crowdfund de más de 500 personas en conjunto con el crowdfund team.

  • Administrador y coordinador de crowdvouch. El grupo de crowdvouch, desde su nacimiento, ah ayudado a conseguir su vouch en el registro a más de 3100, gracias a la organización y eficiencia de los miembros y administradores del grupo. (actualmente @Mathaius10 es el miembro más activo).

  • Fundador de “donation x vouch”, un grupo dedicado a juntar donaciones, que luego tendrán 2 utilidades:

    • Pagar todos los fees de las personas que no cuentan con los fondos necesarios para quedar registradas (actualmente hemos pagado el fee de 10 personas).
    • Quemar Ubis. (Actualmente el grupo lleva más de 200usd recaudados, que se destinará a ubi.eth para la quema de Ubis.
  • Creador de la colección piromana “pyromaniac items collection” junto a @cemartia (ekeko). Está colección tiene como objetivo reunir artistas de nft’s y con ellos, poder quemar Ubis gracias a las ventas de su arte. La colección lleva quemados 0.3eth por la venta del primer NFT de la colección.

Dicho esto, quiero aclarar que mis intenciones en la DAO son claras. Y siempre estaré del lado humano.

Gracias por leer!

Mi dirrección de Ethereum de pOH es:

[Automatic traslation]

Hi, I’m valen. With this post I am formally posturing myself as a candidate.
I have been a member of pOH for about a year, and an active member of the proof of humanity community.
In my journey in the DAO, I have learned a lot, and I thank the community for that. Currently, and throughout this year, I started to be part of sub-groups within proof of humanity. As for example:

  • Coordinator of the main spanish group of proof of humanity. I worked organizing, guiding, explaining and solving questions presented by new or pre-existing members. Achieving an active human support, and the organization of messages with information about the process.

  • Crowdfunding group administrator and coordinator. Actively helping and crowdfunding more than 500 people together with the crowdfunding team.

  • Crowdvouch administrator and coordinator. The crowdvouch group, since its birth, has helped more than 3100 people to get their vouch in the registry, thanks to the organization and efficiency of the members and administrators of the group. (currently @Mathaius10 is the most active member).

  • Founder of “donation x vouch”, a group dedicated to collect donations, which will then have 2 utilities:

    • Pay all the fees of people who do not have the necessary funds to be registered (currently we have paid the fee of 10 people).
    • Burning Ubis (Currently the group has collected over 200usd, which will go to ubi.eth for the burning of Ubis.
  • Creator of the pyromaniac items collection with @cemartia (ekeko). This collection aims to gather nft’s artists and with them, to be able to burn Ubis thanks to the sales of their art. The collection has burned 0.3eth for the sale of the first NFT of the collection.

That said, I want to make it clear that my intentions in the DAO are clear. And I will always be on the human side.

Thanks for reading!

My pOH Ethereum address is:


[English version below]

Hola humanos!

Envío mi postulación como candidato:

Todos me conocen como Mati (mi nombre en Telegram), conocí al proyecto por la misma razón que todos lo hacen, el UBI, pero a medida que iba avanzando los días me quedé por la calidad humana, muchos usuarios ven al proyecto no solo como la oportunidad de tener una renta sino también para ayudar a que los demás la tengan. Esa dedicación que muchos tienen hace que la DAO tenga más fuerza día a día.

Parte de mis aportes a la DAO

  • Empezó todo el día 13/04/2021 ingresando al grupo de crowdvoucher pidiendo un vouch para mi registro, dado que veía muchas personas sin muchos conocimientos trataba de ayudarlos para que conozcan el procedimiento de voucheo y que sepan los riesgos que pueden tener al crear el perfil. Los administradores del grupo vieron que estaba muy activo ayudando que me ofrecieron ser administrador y tener control sobre la planilla en donde se anotan los interesados por el vouch. Hoy en día soy el propietario del grupo.

  • Colaborador muy activo en el grupo principal en español en telegram, respondiendo todas las dudas de los nuevos ingresados. Creando notas de ayuda a través del bot “Rose” y perfeccionando siempre la ayuda para que sea comprensible para los usuarios.
    Participo activamente en las videollamadas de la comunidad, siendo a veces el coordinador de la charla cuando es necesario.

  • Propietario del grupo de crowdfunding, colaborador activo y ayude a varios perfiles con el depósito.

  • Administrador activo en el grupo donación por vouch

  • Administrador activo en el grupo UBI Application Check

  • Participé como colaborador en los festejos del aniversario de Proof of Humanity llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

  • Creador del servidor de discord UBI Alliance. Con la motivación y objetivo de encontrar personas con cualidades que quieran aportar al proyecto

  • Contacte a más de 20 perfiles de todo el mundo con chances de disputa para que puedan cancelar el perfil y no pierdan el depósito, mi forma de curar la lista.

Como verán, mi motivación es ayudar a que este proyecto tenga la escalabilidad que se merece.

Mi dirección de ETH en PoH es 0xa770d7d1e99d1e4510affc670bc983fbcdc819f5

Hello humans!

I am sending my application as a candidate:

Everyone knows me as Mati (my name on Telegram), I met the project for the same reason that everyone does, the UBI, but as the days progressed I stayed because of the human quality, many users see the project not only as an opportunity to have an income but also to help others to have it. That dedication that many have makes the DAO stronger day by day.

Part of my contributions to the DAO:

  • It all started on 04/13/2021 entering the crowdvoucher group asking for a voucher for my registration, since I saw many people without much knowledge I tried to help them to know the vouching procedure and to know the risks they may have when creating the profile. The administrators of the group saw that I was very active helping that they offered me to be an administrator and to have control over the spreadsheet where the people interested in vouching register. Today I am the owner of the group.

  • Very active collaborator in the main Spanish group in telegram, answering all the doubts of the new members. Creating help notes through the “Rose” bot and always improving the help to make it understandable for the users.

  • I actively participate in the community video calls, being sometimes the chat coordinator when needed.

  • Owner of the crowdfunding group, active contributor and help several profiles with the deposit.

  • Active administrator in the group donation by vouchers.

  • Active administrator in the UBI Application Check group.

  • Participate as a contributor in the Proof of Humanity anniversary celebrations held in the city of Buenos Aires.

  • Creator of UBI Alliance discord server. With the motivation and objective of finding people with qualities that want to contribute to the project.

  • I contacted more than 20 profiles from all over the world with chances of dispute so they can cancel the profile and not lose the deposit, my way of curing the list.

As you will see, my motivation is to help this project to have the scalability it deserves.

My ETH Address in PoH is 0xa770d7d1e99d1e4510affc670bc983fbcdc819f5