Is having brought the vast majority of users to PoH misrepresentation? And by vast I mean easily more than half, quite probably even most of the users PoH had during its initial months; and certainly those with high influencer reach like the celebrities that joined. I collaborated with PoH since at least 2019, participating in meetups, researching and writing papers about it. Needless to say that developing the smart contract of UBI and working with Kleros before the launch certainly made me feel welcomed to the efforts to launch PoH back then. Specially since all of the blog posts, videos and website content included the Democracy Earth logo. It is an act of incredible human misery to now pretend none of that ever happened and erase something that pretty much anyone close with intellectual honesty to PoH remembers. Turning that historical fact suddenly into a grammar debate shows how minuscule and petty the criticism is.
Kleros does nothing but blame the messenger, deflect the conversation, demonize people and is deaf to any kind of criticism. This culture stems strictly from a founder who is not fit to lead a community, does not believe in decentralization, thinks of himself before thinking of the project and gives a bad image to PoH.
After the act of intolerance that goes against every principle Ethereum stands for during my talk, the Kleros founder kept on following with insistence on the aisle insisting to talk with me when I repeatedly asked him to leave and get away from me since I feared for my physical integrity. Several witnesses were there that can account for this. I ask anyone around here how would they feel if a madman started screaming even before you set foot on a stage in order to give a presentation? I was there with my family expecting to have a good day after we even talked out our differences the previous days. But none of that seemed to make this person care at all to lower the tone on the conflict, quite the contrary: he chose a violent behavior regardless.
I do not want to interact this person ever again, he’s not fit for any kind of leadership role, he lacks the most basic sense of ethics openly claiming the ends justify the means, has no people skills whatsoever, is prone to cheap tactics of smear campaigns and leaking private chats, has serious accusations of corrupting his own protocol and quite frankly the Kleros community should consider taking a similar action to this since the reputational stain around him is now of considerable size.
If he has any decency left in him he should simply immediately resign to the board and help the PoH community avoid this tortuous debate. For once that would show he’s capable of putting the project before himself. But sadly, I very much doubt he’s capable of it.