Preventing vouchallenges while incentivizing a web of trust

Hey! Thanks for bringing this idea over here. I like it a lot.

It was talked on Telegram channels, I think, about using a deposit to vouch. It is an even better one with this burning mechanism.

How could it be implemented? Does it need a new contract to be deployed?

I asked you about this because for the last couple of months (probably since the start of the discussion of HIP27 by @mizu) there is the topic of the voucher as the first layer of curation of the list being discuss. Some ideas we had were about penalising or rewarding bad or good vouchers, aiming to a greater responsability from the community when vouching and not just hitting a button:

  • Decreasing or increasing the % of UBI being dripped.

  • Bad vouchers cant vouch no more.

  • Bad vouchers wont drip UBI for X amount of time.

But, at least, this three items needed the PoH code to be V2ed

So, how would you implement your idea?

Thanks again!