$UBI issuance rate

Don’t see why we would assume that the need is the biggest need would be initially. And I don’t like seeing it as social assistance - it should be a constant aid all along a person’s life.


Hello, I am new here, i love the project and I wanted to share my insight / opinion about the UBI issuance rate.
I think that decreasing issuance rate according to the number of registered people is the best way to go. However I believe that the decrease of the issuance rate has to happen in real time every time a new person registers. Random example: Every time a new person registers issuance is reduced by 0.00000001%. So after a new registration the issuance will be 0.9999999999, 0,999999998 etc etc… Of course the exact rate has to be thought though. I do not think pre-determined Bands of members is really urging people to join. On the other hand if the issuance decreases in real time, every time someone new registers, will create a FOMO effect. People will hurry to get in earlier than later. We could also have a live tracker for people to watch live the reduction in issuance rate…
What do you guys think?

Maybe pause finalization of new profile registrations if the token value drops below a certain threshold?

Then, keep those pending profiles in a FIFO queue until the token regains value and the registration finalizations can resume.

This would require us to decide what we believe is a fair minimum value for a UBI. For example, if we think $4 per day ($120 per month) is a good minimum amount, we can configure the token value threshold to be set at $0.167.

Hi, first post here.

I found this thread by searching for “ubi coin inflationary”. My original question was “why would something that you can get without effort or work would have value?”.

The current model will flow the market with coins that you constantly get for free. And if this is actually used by people for buying basic stuff like meds, foods, etc, they will not hodl, they will be constantly selling. So the UBI coin should drop in price in the long run, wouldn’t it? The only reason I see for it to have value is if you get it with effort, or scarcity. The latter would be the only option in this case if I understand correctly. Am I missing something?

I believe that a model of reducing the amount given in a long tail asymptote (reducing but never reaching zero) per user, as suggested above could be a good alternative. Or maybe something in which you receive as many coins as needed per day to achieve a minimum of X dollars per month, regardless of the market price (maybe with a min and max number of coins regardless of the price).

Maybe the solution could be some kind of extra transaction fee, when it’s used, that burns coins so there will be a constant reduction in circulating supply if people actually use it for paying.

I fail to see why UBI would maintain its value if there is no work/effort needed to obtain it.


I think UBI issuance model should not be changed so it will continue with the 1 UBI per hour/person.


In my opinion this is the fairest model, and it also has the advantage of being unique since other protocols cannot replicate it ,since it’s intrinsic to the PoH model.

  • With “1 UBI per hour/person” we can be sure that there is no extra reward for early adopters.
  • This is the only issuance model where we can be sure that 2 persons receiving UBI for 50 years will receive the same quantity of tokens, independently of the registration time (now or in 20 years).
  • This issue is important because the UBI must have continuity in the future, but future members should consider that they are equally rewarded as the predecessors.


All this doesn’t change the fact that people need local money for their needs and not a token, so UBI price is something to consider; but this is a second topic and should be addressed by founding ways to create value for the UBI token or burning mechanisms.

  • Price conversion will fluctuate, especially during early years, but it will get better as UBI gains more utility.
  • Local currencies of different countries also fluctuate over the years and people live with that.
  • When UBI finally gets really global it will serve as and edge against hyperinflation in many countries.


In our “best” scenario, all humanity will embrace UBI in the future. This will lead as to about 8.000 million users receiving 1 UBI token per hour.

  • Sure this is a lot of inflation, especially considered current registration numbers; but the good news is that this number will not go much further than that.
  • Population can increase a little, but it will not 100x; so maximum inflation can be calculated and will stabilize in the future.


  • Current UBI issuance model is unique due to PoH possibilities. This should be maintained and leveraged as fair and distinctive
  • Focus should be put in usage cases, improving utility and burning mechanisms that decrease inflation


What if services who use PoH to validate their users enter smart contracts to repurchase UBI at a set rate based on the number of users and other factors.

This way, the services that utilize PoH end up paying back into it.

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