Humanitweet - A twitter-like social network for Human Beings only

So… long story short, a new version is uploaded on Kovan.
I had an issue again with upgrading but this time has been solved. I
I have deployed the contract as a 2 step version to make sure tht upgrading works as it should.

Whats new?
Replies! Postas can now be replied.

If no other issues come up, i’m planning on pushing to mainnet next weekend.

All feedback will be appreciated


Awesome work Juanu!!!

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Love the idea! Great thoughts about the future possibilities of tipping people in UBI for good content, or setting up a subscription to another user.

Seems like there is definitely a gap to integrate a social network with functions that successful on (Bits & cheers) , Patreon (content subscriptions) , Ko-Fi (donations). Also works as a nice way to test users sending UBI to each other in a meaningful way!

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Posta is now Live on Mainnet!

I was able to get the domain, so you can access the app through

I will start working on an centralized backend to implement new features.
Lets get humans to make a good use of it.

posta contract address: 0xae199eb85a303d11725d193efd1e6ab312a980b6

A word on price:
Create a single post, is expensive depending on the gas price. This is not totally a bad thing, since it helps on making for good Content (you wouldn’t just pay to post a meme).


I just realized how well these NFTs work on OpenSea and Rarible!. I am proud to have $POSTA:2!


woah, i need to play with this soon!

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I’m working on a system to allow authors to “beautify” their POSTAS.
More news soon! =)


Posta 0.8 Is live!

Say hello to Funded Postas

A new feature on Posta! You can now create a posta and download a signed request to ask another human to post it on your behalf. This is useful for users that dont have enough to pay for the transaction fees.

This was based on a feature request by @Nachobr . He was looking for a way to have someone else pay for the fees to create his posta.

This is how it works:

  • Human 1 types the Posta.
  • Clicks on the new button “Sign Post Request”
  • Sign the request
  • Download the signed request (text file)
  • Human 1 Sends the file to the human willing to pay for the fees (Human 2)
  • Human 2 logs into posta, and clicks on the top right button “Post on behalf of”
  • A popup appears that asks to locate the signed file on their device. Select the file
  • Click on “Post on behalf of”.
  • Confirm the transaction on the wallet
  • The posta is now published forever on Posta, published by HUMAN 2, with HUMAN 1 as the author and owner of the NFT

Future improvements:

  • When a user posts on behalf of another, an event is emited with this information. This will allow to implement bagdes, or other kind of metrics to know when post was funded by another human, and by which human.
  • An interesting concept to look into would be to ask the author to pay for the post request, with UBIs. This UBIs could either be given to the funder, burn them, or both (just like the “support” feature).

Check it out an don’t forget to send feedback!
All feedback will be more than welcome!


Genius!! This is great!! Also as a humiliated Human, then i can ask, who Will pay for My Posta :rofl:

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