Humanitweet - A twitter-like social network for Human Beings only

A decentralized twitter like social network for human beings only

This project aims at solving some of the problems that social networks have in relation to identity, and ownership of content.

It’s basically a Twitter for humans. It lets an address that’s registered under the Proof Of Humanity registry,. to create a new Tweet, which mints an NFT (“HTWT”) that proves ownership and author.

I’m making it open source for the community to help make it grow, suggesting ideas, PRs, or even just taking inspiration from it.

It still lacks lots of features (like tests) but the proof of concept works (contracts and front end app using React).

GitHub - JuanuMusic/humanitweet: A twitter-like social network for proved Humans


Excelente idea!! Un twitter libre de bots


En realidad podrías poner un bot tranquilamente. La cuestión en este caso es que el bot debería correr con una cuenta validada en PoH, lo que haria que al fin y al cabo, quien debe responder por ese bot sea un humano identificable, y no un x.

Un usuario ya lo propuso y ya fue respondido con lo mismo :slight_smile:


Muy interesante proyecto. Redes sociales con identidad verificada serían mucho más sanas. Un buen ejemplo de como usar PoH.


Pero bot no puede superar poh

Hi! Just wanted to share that the project was renamed to Posta for now, and the repo has been moved also to GitHub - JuanuMusic/posta


Muy buena idea @juanu
¿Por qué el nombre «Posta»?

Lo sugirió @santisiri a raiz de evitar problemas legales con la marca registrada, y “Posta” es lunfardo para “verdad” en Argentina.


posta = true, real, authentic
chamullo = lie, fallacy, deception

1 Like

A first alpha version is now running on Kovan! I’d be more than glad to have some people create test human and start using the app. All feedback will be appreciated: Bugs, errors, suggestions, whats good? , whats bad?, questions?, etc?

Keep in mind that this is the first deployment of the contract, and might and possibly will be subject to changes, including the possible loss of posts created on the current test contract, so take it more as experimenting than creating real content. Also, keep in mind that this is a public blockchain, so anything you post will be publicly visible. (DONT SHARE ANY PRIVATE DATA!)

How to participate?:

Things to look for:

  • 🪙$PSTA NFTs! - When a publishing a post, a new $PSTA token is minted to the creator’s wallet. Use this contract address if you wanna add it to your kovan wallet:

see on etherscan

  • $PSTAs NFTs should be fully compatible with OpenSea NFT market. If you find any issues with compatibility, please report it!
  • :+1::fire: All $PSTAs can be given support (just as LIKES). Support is given in UBI. Half of the given UBIs will be given to the creator, and the other half will be burned.
  • When support is given with UBI, 2 values come out of it:
    • :bar_chart:The total ammount of UBI given (including the burned total). This is only as a vanity value.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
    • :earth_americas:The unique number of humans that gave support to a $PSTA. This gives a more realistic view of the actual engagement of the post with humans

Feel free to send any feedback. The best way to do so would be the GitHub repository, by creating new issues. From here you can either create a Bug report or a new Feature request. (Feel free to suggest new types of issues)


you can use up to six letters for the token ticker to be hyperlinked on social media… so i’d suggest you go for $POSTA


Thanks for confirming what’s been keeping me up last night. Added to top priority TO-DO.

@waly_hh Si! Soy argentino. Solo me intereso saber porque la elección.

Quick update:
While making the first test version, I messed up the way how Proxy Contracts should be built, so I will be deploying a new version from scratch to Kovan, hopefully this weekend.

Downside is that the data on the current contract cant be recovered to the new version, so the current Posts wont be showing after the upgrade.

Upside: Fixing thew issue is a step forward for having a tested and working upgradeable Proxy contract for when this thing might be ready for mainnet.

Learning is fun =)


Wouldn’t it make sense to retain at least some of the funds to fuel development for the project itself? Could be a small amount. Just so there is some way to a self-sustaining entity for POSTA.

I think keeping it simple burning the half immediately makes sense to start. But using some of this to fund the project makes sense. In the future a Posta DAO could change it to keep part for development. Another ethical approach is to allow the supporter to add-on a contribution to Posta development.

It does! I’m already working on the V2 with some fixes and added a _treasuryPct for this matter.

Still want to test a couple of things on kovan, including this one. After that, I think a first version could be available on mainnet in about a month (hopefully)


Posta V0.2 is up and running on kovan
This is a new contract from scratch, so previous posts won’t show.
While learning about proxies, I made a mistake on how the Upgradeable proxy contract was created and it wouldn’t let me make any changes to the storage.
I think I learned my lesson but still have an upgrade to do to be 100% sure that the upgrade works.

Contract Updates:

  • Ticker updated to POSTA (thanks @santisiri for the recommendation)

  • This version implements the new burnPct (burn percentage) field, which defines the actual percentage to burn when giving support instead of making it a hardcoded value. percentage is a value between between 0 and 1 x 10^18. (representing 0 to 1)

  • Also added the treasuryPct (treasury percentage) field, which defines a percentage of the support to send it to the contract for any expenses. The feature is not implemented and reverts when is set to a value other than 0, but the field is there for the next version. (still wanna test that upgrading works as expected).

UI Improvements

  • The UI has been improved internally and externally with some feedback while loading data.

Known Issues:

  • The baseURL of the contract has not been set, so clicking on the ticker won’t work.
    (I ran out of kETH, so if you have some to spare I can fix it. If not, I can wait till tomorrows when the quota is reset)

Posta V0.2 Kovan:


I can send you some kETH if you still need.
I got it here.

Thank you! I just requested some and am funded. Thanks!