Ideas for Vouching

Algunas Ideas para mejorar el sistema de vouching. Soluciones para evitar el amiguismo, mercado negro o efecto “titanic”.

  1. Limitar la cantidad de cupos para inscripción sobre un porcentual de voucheados. Esto quiere decir que si quieres invitar a alguien de tu círculo, tendrás que vouchear gente ya registrada para que se libere el cupo. (para mi es lo más fair).

  2. Cada perfil registrado debe vouchear al menos X cantidad de perfiles. (esto no soluciona el factor amiguismo o titanc).

  3. Arbitrariamente tener que vouchear sobre el orden cronológico de registros. Esto si no es obligado a votar, dudo que la gente lo haga.

Quien más tiene ideas para esto? estoy seguro que hay muchas…

Some Ideas to improve the vouching system. Solutions to avoid cronyism, black market or “titanic” effect.

  1. Limit the number of enrollment slots on a percentage of vouches. This means that if you want to invite someone from your circle, you will have to voucher people already registered so that the quota is released. (for me it is the most fair).

  2. Each registered profile must voucher at least X amount of profiles. (This does not fix the cronyism or titanc factor).

  3. Arbitrarily having to flip over the chronological order of records. This if he is not forced to vote, I doubt that people will.

Who else has ideas for this? I’m sure there are many …


Maybe you can solve this just adding a new rule.

Once you get vouched, the sistem would randomly ask you to verify X number of accounts. Once you’ve done that, you will start accuring UBI.


I might be missing a point here, but I feel that the current system for vouching has a very big component of trust, which is not necessary for validating humanity.
If I vouch for someone (I can’t yet :wink:) I’m not only vouching for their humanity (ie: its not a dog, a dead person or a bot), I’m also putting at stake my account, because if that “human” creates a duplicate account I could loose mine.
There must be a way to decouple humanity - trust…


Yep, and wait until this get massive…

For sure something to think about

I think this is best option

Each registered profile must voucher at least X amount of profiles. (This does not fix the cronyism or titanc factor).

because it force you to work to finish your profile


You would only get rejected from the registry if you vouched for the duplicate profile (the 2nd one). If you vouch for a first profile and then a duplicate is added, it is the second profile that should be rejected as duplicate and thus the voucher of this second profile.

My question is, if I don’t know anyone that is already registered (and can vouch for me) how do I convince anyone to vouch for me?


Same question that I have also. There’s no inventives for those who are already registered to vouch for others apart from their close friends or family (this was the pattern I have found). So far I am experiencing difficulty to get someone kind enough to vouch for me. For a week. I ve been cautiously asking those who are already registered via direct message through FB Messenger. No luck yet. This morning, I have also put up post in this community asking for vouch my profile. We will see what happens… :slight_smile: But such a cool protocol though.

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Maybe algorithm finds those by order of those who uploaded their profiles from earlier time.

It isn’t possible to force people to verify specific accounts as they may not have the tools to detect for multiple submissions and if you vouch for an address, this address could change its submission to make it malicious.
That is why you should only vouch for people you trust and simply looking at one profile will not provide such a level of trust.

I’ve seen some group organizing to get vouches but at some point, an attacker will probably take advantage of this to try to register fake accounts (which will lead people to be unregistered and probably become more cautious to whom they vouch for).

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It isn’t possible to force people to verify specific accounts as they may not have the tools to detect for multiple submissions and if you vouch for an address, this address could change its submission to make it malicious.
That is why you should only vouch for people you trust and simply looking at one profile will not provide such a level of


I’ve seen some group organizing to get vouches but at some point, an attacker will probably take advantage of this to try to register fake accounts (which will lead people to be unregistered and probably become more cautious to whom they vouch for).

Unfortunately you can’t (unless this person is ready to take the risk of being removed). This may seem as a problem, but due to the extremely fast growing rate of registered humans, this problem shouldn’t stay for long.

Vouching should ideally be a disinterested activity that you do for friends and family. The fact that you seem to have a hard time to get vouches from strangers is actually a good thing (as an attacker will have an equally hard time) in term of system security.
But don’t worry, the list is growing quite fast which will make it increasingly likely that someone already registered know you.

Luckily the network is growing fast! Which brings me to another question, is it convenient for the project to grow fast or not so fast? Thinking about the inflation that the demand for ubi may generate.
For the vouch issue, I suggest joining one of the telegram groups. I suggest Telegram: Join Group Chat

I also have the same issue with vouching. Right now the whole PoH look more like Proof of Friendship and Family. All Others are not human. Even if someone knows me, will be not enough to be vouched. He should invite me and ask for my profile. Maybe I know someone already registered, but good lack to find him in registry based on photo and video. Initial good concept was wrongly implemented. The social implementation in this case working only in one direction form registered circle to others. Lack of any social information linked with profile do not allow to find someone already registered. Such organisation don’t prevent from multiple submissions. Any actor has abilities to change his view on photo and video and ask two different persons to vouch for him. From “trust but verify” verify is ineffective. It can prove only that photo and video was made by human, but not that it is unique and only submission from that person. Vouching with penalty removal if identity was duplicated isn’t fair, because there are no singe tool to check this in the registry.

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The key point is “right now”, but thanks to exponential growth in the amount of people registered it will become more and more likely that you will find someone you know.

You can also search people by their display name.

He would likely be caught (you have people looking a the registry and sometimes even running ML tools to seek duplicates) and the second person vouching for him would removed from the registry.

It cannot prove a submission is unique, but disproving that a submission is unique is way easier.

That’s why you should only vouch for people you know and trust. Proof of humanity uses a “Trust is risk” approach. If you don’t trust someone not to cheat, you shouldn’t vouch for them.
Currently POH is mainly used for UBI so the risk of getting removed isn’t that high. As POH becomes increasingly useful I would expect people to put and even higher bar to whom they vouch (but at this point we will have way more people registered so finding vouches would still be easier).