Mission Board Member Candidacy Thread #2

In compliance with HIP-39 and within the period set by its norm, I open the election thread for the mission board member vacancy after Juanu stepped down from the position.

There is 1 Mission board position, and this thread covers it

The proposed timeline for this election will be as follows:

  • Candidacy open: effective immediately
  • Candidacy close: Friday, August 19th
  • Snapshot Election starts: Friday, August 26th
  • Snapshot Election ends: Friday, September 5th

This thread will be for candidacies only . A separate thread will be dedicated to the discussion related to this post or the electoral process.

Each candidacy post must have at the minimum the eth address of the wallet that is Registered to Proof of Humanity. Optional information would be a small bio and/or what is your motivation to become a Mission Board member of Proof of Humanity.


english version below

Hola a todos, soy valen. Para los que conocen mi trayectoria durante casi un año y medio en la dao quizás este hilo no les sirva de mucho, pero para los que no, intentare explicar y puntear las acciones que fui llevando a cabo.

Antes, me gustaría aclarar que el puesto de Mission Board, es un puesto importante, pero, ante todo, de confianza. Votemos acciones que hayan demostrado eso. Y si algo creo que hice bien durante este tiempo, fue demostrar puedo llevar acciones que requieran de esa confianza.

Moderador en canales:

• Coordinador del grupo principal en español de proof of humanity. Trabajé organizando, guiando, explicando y resolviendo cuestiones que presentaban los miembro nuevos o preexistentes. Logrando un soporte humano activo, y la organización de mensajes con información sobre el proceso


• Soy miembro activo en el grupo de crowdfund, ayudo a chequear perfiles y a realizar el crowdfund desde la wallet del grupo. No sé exactamente a cuando perfiles realice el crowdfund, pero estoy seguro que son más de 100 perfiles crowdfondeados personalmente y mas de 500 en total gracias a la eficiencia del grupo. Todos con 100% de efectividad.
Esta wallet que mencione, la administro junto con @Rocio_F_M, hace más de 1 año, confiándonos casi 1 eth (1500usd).

Quema de ubis:

• Inicie hace tiempo con Juanma, un proyecto llamado ‘‘Ubi Lottery’’, el cual se interrumpió por los altos costos del gas de Ethereum, pero que podria reactivarse pronto. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo quemar el 100% de los ubis recaudados, y en su primera edición, quemo aproximadamente 3100 ubis.
• Siguiente con la temática, junto con Ekeko, creamos la ‘‘Piromaniac items collection’’, una collection en OpenSea, donde los artistas interesados en ayudas a quemar ubis, pueden publicar sus NFT’s, venderlos, y destinar como mínimo, el 50% de esas ganancias al @UBIburner. En su primera venta, se consiguió un total de 0.15 eth aprox, que fueron destinados a quemar ubis.
• Colectas: A través de donaciones, se juntaron aproximadamente 0.02 eth, que también fueron destinados al @UBIburner.

Donation x vouch:

• Esta idea, surgió luego del ver el ‘‘Vouch market’’ de Rubén. Básicamente, a través de una pequeña donación de 10 usd o más, se consigue un vouch al perfil donador en cuestión de minutos.
Todas las donaciones, se almacenan en la wallet del grupo, que es administrada por @Rocio_F_M, y por mí. Desde que inicio el grupo hasta hoy, hemos recaudado 0.8 eth aproximadamente, que es destinado en su totalidad, a pagar los fees de aquellas personas que no cuentan con el dinero para ingresar a poh.
Este (creo yo) es uno de los grupos más altruistas que tiene la comunidad de poh. El objetivo principal, es que nadie quede afuera, y lo estamos logrando. Con más de 12 usuarios, que quedaron registrados gracias a la ayuda económica brindada en el grupo.


• Mi wallet se encuentra en el top 4 de cantidad de vouchs dados, habiendo verificado más de 30 perfiles, con un ratio de éxito de 97.06%, 1 challenge sobre 35 vouchs dados.

• Las delegaciones en una democracia líquida son importantes. Hoy cuento con 43 delegados, que confían en mi voto. Siendo el 3ro con más delegados en la DAO de Proof of Humanity. Esto, demuestra la confianza en mi criterio y en mi persona. Aprovecho a agradecer a todos aquellos que confían en mí.

• Como miembro activo de la DAO y core en snapshot, tengo la posibilidad de crear propuestas en la plataforma. Voy a mencionar algunas en las que fui coautor y otras, donde fui autor.

[English version]

Hello everyone, I’m Valen. For those who know my trajectory during almost a year and a half in the DAO maybe this thread will not be of much use, but for those who do not, I will try to explain and point out the actions that I have been carrying out.

First, I would like to clarify that the position of Mission Board is an important position, but, above all, a position of trust. Let’s vote for actions that have shown that. And if there is one thing I thing I’ve done well during this time, it was to demonstrate that I can take actions that require that trust.

Moderator in channels:

  • Coordinator of the main Spanish language Proof of Humanity group. I’ve worked organizing, guiding, explaining and solving issues presented by new or pre-existing members, achieving active human support, and organizing messages with information about the process.


  • I am an active member in the crowdfunding group, I help to check profiles and crowdfund from the group wallet. I don’t know exactly how many profiles I’ve crowdfunded so far, but I’m sure they are more than 100 and more thandan 500 in total thanks to the efficiency of the group. All with 100% effectiveness.
    This wallet I mentioned has been managed together with @Rocio_F_M for more than 1 year, being responsible for almost 1 eth (1500usd).

Burning of ubis:

  • Some time ago with I started a project called ‘‘Ubi Lottery’’ with Juanma, which was interrupted due to the high costs of Ethereum gas, but it could be reactivated soon. This project aims to burn 100% of the ubis collected, and on its first edition, it burned approximately 3100 ubis.
  • Continuing with the same topic, together with Ekeko we created the ‘‘Piromaniac items collection’’, a collection in OpenSea, where artists interested in helping to burn ubis can publish their NFT’s, sell them, and allocate at least 50% of those profits to @UBIburner. On its first sale, a total of 0.15 eth approx. was obtained, which was destined to burn ubis.
  • Collections: Through donations, approximately 0.02 eth eth was collected, which was also destined to @UBIburner.

Donation x vouch:

  • This idea came up after seeing Ruben’s ‘‘Vouch market’’. Basically, through a small donation of 10 usd or more, you get a vouch in a matter of minutes.
    All donations are stored in the group’s wallet, which is managed by @Rocio_F_M and myself. Since the beginning of the group until today, we have collected 0.8 eth approximately, which is entirely destined to pay the fees of those people who do not have the money to join PoH.
    This (I think) is one of the most altruistic groups that the poh community has. The main objective is that no one is left out, and we are achieving it. With more than 12 users, who were registered thanks to the financial help given in the group.


  • My wallet is in the top 4 as regards the amount of vouches given, having verified more than 30 profiles, with a success ratio of 97.06%: 1 challenge out of 35 vouches given.


  • Delegations in a liquid democracy are important. Today I have 43 delegates, who trust my vote. I am the 3rd with the most delegates in the DAO of Proof of Humanity. This shows the confidence in my criteria and in my person. I take this opportunity to thank all those who trust me.


my wallet: v4len.eth or 0x6986E8C8Da33753443959690c240B03931Bd1Edc


Hey, I’m Green. I’ve known about PoH for a while but I started getting involved in June 2022, 2 months ago.
This is my PoH address: 0x89c4acb8b5b5b8e5b2121934b9e143569a914c80

I’m a dev working for Kleros and, generally, I understand Proof of Humanity, its incentives, and I have a vision towards improving this project, and aligning it to sybil resistance.

I speak Spanish, which enables me to interact with the vast majority of the PoH community. One of my main concerns is finding ways to get income into the DAO, and I’ve explored exploiting governance to do so.

During this time, I’ve made the following HIPs:


Being a MB member will inspire me to get more involved and make more improvement proposals. Also, was I elected, I would become the only MB member that’s a practicing, active developer. This skill allows to appraise development costs and feasibility, and would grant the MB a wider assortment of skills.


Candidacy Thread Closed

Election Snapshot was created. As a note, I mistyped the end date in this thread first post about the finishing date. Where it says “September 5th” it should say “Friday, September 2nd”, so, one week according to HIP 39