[Phase-1] HIP-XX Further specify what facial features should be visible in the policy

HIP: <Number to be assigned>
title: [Phase-1] HIP-XX Further specify what facial features should be visible in the policy
author: looking for coauthors,
status: Draft
created: 2022-10-03

Simple Summary

Extend the specification of the registry policy to what facial features are considered acceptable.


This HIP will further specify the specification of what “visible facial features” means, in order to increase Sybil resistance and avoid false-positives while a registrant is occulding parts of face that are not relevant to face-detection (or obfuscation) algorithms.


Some challenges where non-relevant parts of the face are occluded, but do not pose a real threat to sybil resistance, due to the fact that there are more robust and well-defined facial markings that are appropriate for duplicate detection (based on the State-of-the-art technology).
Examples of relevant lists of facial landmarks are found in this article or this other one


For phase 2


For phase 2


(If necessary, recommended for Phase 3)