[Phase 2] HIP-72: Grant to fund a PoH airdrop solution

HIP: 72
title: Grant to fund a PoH airdrop solution
author: green
status: Phase-2
created: 2022-06-29
conflicts with: None
languages: EN

Simple summary

Launch a grant to build an app to ease the process of airdropping to humans registered in PoH.


Airdrops are the the currently most used feature of PoH and it would be in the general interest of the DAO to provide an easy way for philanthropists to airdrop tokens to its humans. This HIP sets up a grant to incentivize building such a tool.


On making KIP-51, we came to realization that there is no such thing as a tool to airdrop to humans registered in PoH. Since the most interested party in the existence of such a tool is PoH DAO, and not Kleros DAO, it makes sense for PoH DAO to be the one that spends the resources needed for it to exist.

Other DAOs that are interested in performing sybil resistant airdrops could use it as an easy default allocation. Then, in the future we might see projects such as Optimism liberally drop tokens to PoH.


Upon completion of the PoH airdrop tool, send 3 ETH from the PoH treasury to the grantee, forer.eth. If PoH treasury does not contain enough funds but they are deposited in vaults generating yield (such as the UBI Burner), then this amount will be withdrawn from the vaults and then sent to forer.eth.

The tool will work in the following way:


  • Anyone can create an airdrop. They pass a token, an amount per human, the merkle root, a JSON file uploaded to ipfs with info to allow for redemptions, and an optional “fee” that will be awarded to whoever processes a redemption.
  • Anyone can redeem rewards to whoever was selected, that is, registered at the time. If fees are enabled, they will get a reward for delivering the airdrop.


  • Keeps track of airdrops, redemptions, and humans. Allows fetching information quickly from the frontend.


  • If the user connects with a wallet with pending airdrops, they’ll be notified and will be able to trigger the transactions needed to withdraw them.
  • It provides a way for donors to create airdrops easily. Donors can create airdrops through passing parameters in a form, allowing their tokens, and then clicking on create. The frontend will then fetch all registered humans at the time, create a merkle tree, upload it to IPFS and then finally create the airdrop in the contract.


Why not support NFTs

It would increase the complexity severely to handle both ERC20 and NFT in the same tool. Merkle airdrop tools benefit from fungibility. To reduce the time needed to ship the tool, reducing features was chosen as the approach.

Why self-select as grantee

Since I made the proposal in June 29, no one offered to take the grant. So, to avoid the proposal from getting stale, I advanced it to Phase 2 through selecting myself.

Why 3 ETH

It was approximated through the following bill of costs:

  • 0.5 ETH: ideation, design of the tool and stack.
  • 1 ETH: smart contract
  • 0.5 ETH: subgraph
  • 1 ETH: frontend

Lets go! This is legend HIP

This proposal has been put to a vote.


I fully support this hip. It’s great to see movements in the dao treasury for cool tooling around poh. It will be a great precedent :+1:

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I really like this HIP. I just have a couple questions before I vote:

  • I assume this is being built for Ethereum mainnet. Are there plans for supporting other networks like Gnosis Chain as well?
  • What is the timeline for this project? I’m generally more comfortable supporting proposals that have have dates for their deliverables, even if they’re just estimates.
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I’d like to append a question about the maintenance of this solution as well

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Antes que nada gracias Green por querer aportar y desarrollar.

Estoy de acuerdo con esta Hip, pero creo que si la comunidad decide que se van a desembolsar una cantidad de 3 ETH desde la tesoreria para el desarrollo de este proyecto, se debe realizar un llamado a toda la comunidad de desarrolladores por todos los medios correspondientes.
Creo que estarĂ­a bueno que se realice un concurso para que diferentes desarrolladores presenten su propio proyecto, luego la comunidad vota por cual es el proyecto que mejor se adapta.

Un llamado a todos los desarrolladores externos nos darĂ­a mayor visibilidad, y fomentarĂ­a la excelencia debido a la competencia entre desarrolladores para obtener un mejor producto y ganar los 3eth.

Estaría bueno que la comunidad establezca un plazo de entrega, conceptos a desarrollar dentro del proyecto y ver cuantos postulantes tenemos para dicho proyecto, luego en la fecha establecida, se analizará todos los proyectos y votará cual se cree que es el adecuado.

Si green es el único postulante y el desarrollo que realizo es aceptado por la comunidad, será un merecido ganador de los 3ETH.

For stuff like this, I really wish we had a nice overview somewhere of the DAO funds…(is this somewhere?).

I think the self-select is fine because we have no procedure yet for managing grants. In the absence of this, we have to find a way to move forward. It also seems like a good value for money for software development work.



There should be a transparent system for tracking grants along with their deliverables and timelines. Not only would this benefit this project and increase accountability, but it would also be a resource for those seeking to submit proposals in the future. I think this would result in the quality of proposals improving over time.

I’m hoping @green can respond to the questions raised here before the vote ends. I’m still holding off on voting.

I assume this is being built for Ethereum mainnet. Are there plans for supporting other networks like Gnosis Chain as well?

It’s gonna support every chain from launch. If by “support” you mean, launching the airdrop on any chain, or reading whatever from any chain, then yeah.

What is the timeline for this project? I’m generally more comfortable supporting proposals that have have dates for their deliverables, even if they’re just estimates.

A few days, starting today. ~2 weeks at the latest, but it might be finished in a few days. It will be polished before launch, though.

I’m hoping @green can respond to the questions raised here before the vote ends. I’m still holding off on voting.

I think that was everything

I really appreciate the response. Thank you.

Just cast my vote in favor of this proposal.

Although I greatly support the financing of talent and do not doubt Green’s abilities to develop and implement tools, at this point in the discussion, I do not see the clear benefit for this grant to move forward since:

  • It is not something exclusively done for the DAO (other projects will benefit from it, but they are not paying).
  • It is not being advertised as a PoH Project. For what I could see, it was even being advertised as a Kleros project at Devcon Bogotá. So not even indirect marketing benefits coming from there.
  • It does not support NFTs distribution, so the utility is not that much given that, for now, it seems like the only use case for such a tool seem to be the distribution of PNK tokens (something that has been in the agenda for Kleros for a long time). Not many other token suppliers would benefit from a token airdrop the way I am seeing it right now.
  • It is solution that does not bring back the investment back to the DAO, resulting in a net loss of funds (and even possibly more spending in the future due to maintenance).

I think @ludovico is right that if we are paying then the project should also be promoted with PoH as the headliner. That change should be pretty straightforward. @green, I suggest you include this requirement in the phase-3 proposal.

However, I don’t agree that Kleros should pay for this. Allowing other organizations to give stuff to our members will benefit our members and thereby PoH by improving incentives to sign up. It is a core PoH capability.

And sure, NFTs would be nice, but you have to make the cut somewhere.