HIP: 78
title: Clarify mirrored images during registration
author: Ludoviko
status: Phase 3
created: 2023-01-09
Simple Summary
This HIP will update and specify in the Policy the “orientation” issue with the policy text.
An increase in challenges using the mirrored images has become the target of bad actors exploiting the written policy. There is a need to update the policy so that this exploit is removed.
Mirrored images are not a valid cause for a profile challenge, since both human and computer vision are able to perfectly distinguish human faces when they are mirrored (source: check if you identify yourself every morning in the bathroom mirror).
As @ArkaYana mentioned in a message in Telegram, the reason for ammending the policy are straightforward: “A mirrored image is a reflected version of an original image, while a rotated image is an image that has been rotated around a specific point. These terms refer to different ways of transforming an image, and they are not the same thing. A mirrored image is not necessarily a rotated image, and vice versa.”
Math-savvy people might argue that a mirrored image is a rotation over a three-dimensional plane, but that is beyond of what the policy is specifying and should not be used as an argument against registrants.
- A profile picture that is mirrored from the corresponding video is not cause for a challenge.
- A mirrored video when the spoken phrase confirmation is chosen is not grounds for a challenge.
Following what was specified in HIP-45, the pull-request HIP 78 by luiandresgonzalez · Pull Request #6 · Proof-Of-Humanity/poh-docs · GitHub will be merged.
Once merged, it will be uploaded to ipfs with the .MD extension:
When this HIP is merged, the Markdown document that was specified above, will be provided as it is, without rendering, as a plain Markdown file, on the MetaEvidence.
We will obtain a new URL for the policy at ipfs. From now on, this url will be named “newPolicyIPFSURI”.
Once uploaded, the final “_registrationMetaEvidence” file will be also uploaded to IPFS, setting the fileURI to the “newPolicyIPFSURI”.
Actual registrationMetaEvidence
"category": "Curated List",
"title": "Proof of Humanity Registration Request",
"description": "A request to register the specified entry to a list of provable humans.",
"question": "Should the request to register be accepted?",
"fileURI": <newPolicyIPFSURI>,
"evidenceDisplayInterfaceURI": "/ipfs/QmSL8d82dMhcThwERWaF4LtmCa4hgV7TyPjAo4fKCzPVkv/index.html",
"rulingOptions": {
"type": "single-select",
"titles": [
"descriptions": [
"Accept the request to register the entry.",
"Deny the request."
We will obtain a new ipfs uri that we call “finalRegistrationMetaEvidenceURI”.
The final “_clearingMetaEvidence” file will be also uploaded to IPFS, setting the fileURI to the “newPolicyIPFSURL”.
"category": "Curated List",
"title": "Proof of Humanity Clearing Request",
"description": "A request to remove the specified entry from a list of provable humans.",
"question": "Should the request to remove be accepted?",
"fileURI": <newPolicyIPFSURI>,
"evidenceDisplayInterfaceURI": "/ipfs/QmSL8d82dMhcThwERWaF4LtmCa4hgV7TyPjAo4fKCzPVkv/index.html",
"rulingOptions": {
"type": "single-select",
"titles": [
"descriptions": [
"Accept the request to remove the entry.",
"Deny the request."
We will obtain a new ipfs uri that we call “finalClearingMetaEvidenceURI”.
Governor Transaction
We will create the transaction in the kleros governor to call the changeMetaEvidence method of ProofOfHumanity contract. The parameters will be the named finalRegistrationMetaEvidenceURI
and finalClearingMetaEvidenceURI
Resumen simple
Este HIP actualizará y especificará en la Política la cuestión de la “orientación” con el texto de la política.
El aumento de los desafíos que utilizan las imágenes reflejadas se ha convertido en el objetivo de los malos actores que explotan la política escrita. Existe la necesidad de actualizar la política para que este exploit sea eliminado.
Las imágenes reflejadas no son una causa válida para un reto de perfil, ya que tanto la visión humana como la computacional son capaces de distinguir perfectamente los rostros humanos cuando están reflejados (fuente: comprueba si te identificas cada mañana en el espejo del baño).
Como mencionó @ArkaYana en un mensaje en Telegram, las razones para modificar la política son sencillas: “Una imagen reflejada es una versión reflejada de una imagen original, mientras que una imagen rotada es una imagen que ha sido rotada alrededor de un punto específico. Estos términos se refieren a diferentes formas de transformar una imagen, y no son lo mismo. Una imagen reflejada no es necesariamente una imagen rotada, y viceversa”.
Los expertos en matemáticas podrían argumentar que una imagen reflejada es una rotación sobre un plano tridimensional, pero eso va más allá de lo que especifica la política y no debería utilizarse como argumento contra los solicitantes de registro.
- Una imagen de perfil que sea reflejo del vídeo correspondiente no es motivo de impugnación.
- Un vídeo reflejado cuando se elige la confirmación de la frase hablada no es motivo de impugnación.