I’m an ordinary crypto enthusiast, no affiliation with Kleros nor Democracy.Earth team, but I think your characterization of Clément is unfair. I first discovered such a concept as POH from Clément’s talk at ethCC3 last year. I am always learning when I read Clément’s comments in the forum, on telegram, and in talks. Clément’s contributions are invaluable. I have never seen Clément make a personal attack, only good spirited debates on substance and issues. Clément doesn’t spend his time tweeting all day as a social media influencer might and doesn’t curate a cult of personality or appeal to populist diatribes. Clément’s ideas are always well founded and thoughtfully analyzed, even if they conflict with some satus quo or predominant opinion. I think you do POH a disservice to discount Clément as a valuable contributor to the future of POH.