[Phase-3] HIP-7: Institute a "Mission Board"

As debates on POH heat-up, a snippet of a recent Bankless podcast seems relevant. The podcast centers on productive open dialogue between Ethereum and Bitcoin communities (R Adams and D Hoffman being eth bulls, and P Pysch a bitcoin bull). Often times discourse on social media can be trite and reductive, and face to face interactions can foster more civil discourse. The podcast is a refreshing open conversation between two typically polarized communities especially in online discourse.

R. Adams:
is um every bitcoiner i’ve met
in real life has been like awesome
like really cool really fun i mean david
just i didn’t go to miami but david just
came back he’s like i had a blast these
people are great yeah
D. Hoffman: bitcoiners are lovely people they’re
very very nice in real life
on twitter you can kind of find some
nasty ones but and i’ve never met a mean
bitcoiner in real life
P. Pysch
i think it’s more of a function of just
uh like when you’re talking to somebody
face to face
you have this real like human
interaction i think when you’re on
twitter i mean i’m
just as guilty as the next person but
it’s so easy to like fire a shot
um to somebody because it’s not like
it’s virtual you don’t even see a facial reaction
right and i think it brings out the
animal spirits and
and that it’s just so easy to fire these
shots i mean there was one that i
that i did today that i i wasn’t you
know if i
i’m sure if i was sitting next to the
person i would have been way nicer than
just saying
oh you’re just i’m sure you’re an
academic from ivy league school or
something like i said something like
that and of course it wasn’t like the
nicest thing but
um i think it’s more of a function of of
that dynamic than anything else i think
most people are well intended
um but as a human being
there’s gaps in everybody’s thinking i
don’t care who you are
like you’re a product of your past and
your interactions and the people that
you’ve associated with
in your preconceived notions and that’s
kind of led you to the place where you
sit today
so that’s where i sit that’s where you
guys sit and there’s going to be deltas
in the way that we see things

I think the audio chat in the governance telegram chat is a step in the right direction, although I have not participated and we all have busy regular lives. If and when a Mission Board is assembled and/or when a Product Manager is hired by the DAO, a weekly community video/audio call open to all can be established on a reoccurring basis. Perhaps the audio can be recorded and uploaded for transparency and posterity sake. Weekly community call timing can be difficult to manage with an international community, but hopefully the time can alternate so all have opportunity outside of typical working hours to participate. This could be a method to foster healthy debate. I wrote in reaction to the discourse that took place in the previous week or two on telegram channels where I felt lots of personal attacks were taking place, and very little listening, understanding, and exchanging of ideas in good faith. I felt like @Nachobr’s comment above was emblematic of this discourse failure.

I really enjoy your co-authored book System Override: How Bitcoin, Blockchain, Free Speech & Free Tech Can Change Everything and I have seen a few of your recorded talks related to Democracy.Earth. I love your charisma and passion for giving Democracy its overdue 21st century digital make-over. I have no doubt about your commitment to Proof of Humanity and I’m glad we can all work together and foster collaboration.

Hopefully we can settle this constitutional assembly phase and establishment of executive structure for POH and whether or not this should be the same as the $ubi governance. Looking forward to all to come with the POH community.