[PoHv2] Proof of Humanity v2 Interface Feedback

Hello everyone. poh.vercel.app is where you’ll find the v2 interface.

This is the most up-to-date overview for PoHv2.

Check it out, force test it on mobile / desktop / supported chains / wallets, and offer any feedback you have. Will add some details / infrastructure to simplify testing challenging soon and will notice here.

Things can change v fast so parts can actually break (e.g. if a transaction is not handled by the subgraph or some ipfs file is not uploaded correctly).

You can leave any feedback you have here or create an issue on the repo or dm me on telegram @andreimvp

It still has some features to be added next, some of these being:

  • Showing v1 profiles (I have this ready, but will display them after some people get used to the current interface)
  • Gasless vouching on mainnet
  • Appeals
  • i18n (will need to finish all the text first)