Should we fork?

Voted against it, because it’s not enforce’able in practice without high level of centralization. Replace any account founded from “puppeteer address” with coinbase or aztec / tornado and there is no on-chain proof. The only evidence is correlated behavior, like voting and the rest (DeFi activity, etc) can be faked anyway. This brings me to another argument, which is that it’s very dangerous - PNK holders (juries) can wipe out whole clusters of people who voted against them and claim they were “puppets” with no hard evidence.

Proof of Humanity is all about “humanity”. If there are willing people who will record a video of themselves and forgo UBI for $5 - there is nothing that the protocol can do about it. DAO should ensure that that it can protect itself from such governance attacks by activism or bootstrapping (temporary) board with veto powers, say until governance puppet attack is economically unfeasible (e.g. 1m registered humans?). Until then, it’s only LARPing, anyway.

It might also be a better idea to ensure that those people can wise up about it and avoid getting screwed, like adding something about “Proof Of Humanity” or “Universal Basic Income” into phrases they speak, so they can just google it, look up the prices and do the math themselves.

Forks are fine after capture occurs - it may have happened to you, but unfortunately for you, it’s a democratic one.

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