UBI Burn, vault feed back strategy

UBI vaults might be one of the bests ways to safeguard UBI’s price. So increasing the vaults fonds its an excelent tokenomic for UBI. Despite this, It is not guaranteed that those who contribute on vaults would leave their funds in there forever, and this can generate uncertainty for the future ability of burning UBI by vaults.
I think that a key factor to increase stability for tokenomics might be: having part of the rent that now its used to buy and burn UBI (50% of the vault’s rent) to feed back the vault so as to start building POH own capital allocated in vaults. In this way there would be certainty of future minimal capital allocated in vaults, and in a long term, this capital might generete an increase on vault’s purchasing power and more UBI would be burn. Stock and flow of UBI Burn feedback strategy
The price for this long term vaults growth, is payed in the short term, by reducing the goodwill of vaults destinated to buy and burn UBI, and instead destinating part of it so as to feedback the vault. In this way the vaults rent might be distribuited as following: 50% to the investor, 25% to buy and burn UBI and 25% Vault’s feedback. This parameters should be optimized and reconsidered, but in this spreadsheet I’ve made a simulation so as to clarify my idea UBI feedback vault strategy - Google Sheets


This is a very interesting proposal that would require an upgrade to the vault strategy contract. Have you looked into it’s code? Would be interesting to compare those changes. For the time being, considering how sensitive that code is, I’m not sure if it’s worth paying short term gains for UBI over this long term strategy.

I haven’t look to vault’s contract code yet. Im not sure how to review it, where can I find it?
My point of view about paying the short time cost, is that I believe now a days POH members aren`t people who need UBI to pay their basic needs. As defis ecosistem grows, and massive adoption happens, more needy people would reach to POH and by then vaults own fonds might be already formed so as to mantain UBI’s value.