UI translation to other languages (eg. Spanish)

Hi all, I propose that we translate the UI to different languages. The people that we want to help with an UBI probably don’t even speaks in English, so translating it would be a nice step to coming closer to them. I offer myself to do the translation to Spanish (my mother-tongue language) and I would be happy to work with anybody that wants to help or that would just want to correct me. If someone else wants to do the translation to other language that’d be great but otherwise English and Spanish is better than just English.

What do you think that the next steps would be, besides the translation? Would there have to be an HIP? What are the tech requirements? Are there any other considerations?


We’ve come to an agreement that UI modifications or improvement do not require HIP, just someone that is willing to do it.

On the other hand, I do not know how locales are managed in the website, but there is a way to crowdsource the translation.

If french translations are needed, just send me a message. I’ll try to do my best to help.


@Jkusne : I have tried to develop the beginnings of an argument to promote your idea, the importance of which I share. I suggest you discuss it and see what feedback it gets from our community. Cheers!

Proposal of reflexion on the possibility of disseminating information about PoH/UBI in different internationally used languages


Currently, the information available that would allow the PoH DAO to grow in different regions of the globe and, consequently, would allow the creation of PoH profiles and the issuance of UBIs for these profiles is mainly reserved for English and Spanish speakers.

This is for two distinct and main reasons: English because it is the international language used all over the world and also the language of IT tools and globalized finance; Spanish because the PoH project originates from a Spanish-speaking region and some of its main promoters are speakers of Spanish.

Although these two languages allow to reach a large number of human beings and to include them linguistically in the circulation of information concerning PoH/UBI, they are not universal tools.

However, in the acronym UBI, we find Universal.

This leads to the question of the translation of the main information supports concerning PoH DAO and UBI into other languages with international circulation.


Today, PoH DAO is growing at a very interesting rate numerically and involves nearly 10,000 human beings in various countries around the world.

The tools proposed to the community in order to understand the mechanisms of the DAO and how they work are mainly available in English and Spanish.

It should be noted that Telegram newsgroups already include four important languages in addition to those already mentioned: Portuguese, French, Russian and Mandarin.

However, most of the documentation about PoH/UBI is still available mainly in the two main languages mentioned.

It is quite clear that the development of the number of validated PoH profiles is mainly in the English and Spanish speaking countries.

This is very important, but it does not fulfill the universalist mission of the DAO, which is to allow anyone who can prove their unique existence as a human being to benefit from a minimum income that guarantees a more dignified life.

For example, all of the African countries that have French as an official/of use/second language have very limited access to information about the PoH/UBI DAO, likely due in part to the language barrier still present.

And, indeed, profiles from countries such as Senegal, Ivory Coast, or the Maghreb countries are extremely rare.

And it is possible to multiply the situations where these language barriers are a hindrance to the dissemination of information about PoH DAO and its overall growth.


On an informed and revocable volunteer basis, try to create working groups that work on translating the main communication and information materials regarding PoH DAO and the UBI Token, such as FAQ.

This could be done, similar to general discussion groups, on Telegram or other program and through open-source collaborative work tools.

These workgroups could propose the fruits of their efforts on a monthly basis in order not to overload the volunteers, to allow them time to check and discuss the proposed translations of materials and to regularly update the translations according to the successive evolutions of the original materials.

The goal is to disseminate information to speakers of languages other than English and Spanish that will allow them to know, appreciate and evaluate the DAO proposal in order to make it as universal as possible.


- Between 3 and 5 people per language who are volunteers and available to work on the most important PoH DAO and UBI documents (FAQ, UI, etc.);

- Access to these documents and information (in any form) and with the restrictions of use;

- Open-source office collaboration tools;

- The consent of the participants in the workgroups to reveal the part of their personal data necessary to use the above-mentioned tools;

- A tool for the restitution of the translation work done and, eventually, its implementation on the concerned pages.

Of course, this text is only a suggestion and probably needs some improvements.

Have a good night!

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Hey yes, there are similar proposals around this. There are crowsourcing tools like The Translator (an open-source Android app in which you can help translate any other android app).
The most incredible things can happen when you tap into the collective mind. There is an Argentinian group called Argenteam (argenteam.net) that releases crowdsources subtitle files of movies and shows through a crowdsource process that has some quality control steps in the middle. A similar structure could be made for the website, but it depend if it was built to handle multiple languages from it’s design. Kleros’ Linguo can help validate these translations, maybe.

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@juanu and @Nachobr should we try to include locales in the new UI? The UX test it’s still running but we already had quite a few comments around supporting other languages. Even when the translations are not ready it would be great if we can think about it.

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By locales You mean translation for every language out there ?

Yes! Not sure about the technical side but we can upload .po or .mo files as people translate the site.

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Right, mm maybe, you can share the UI/UX Figma with the admins of the telegram group of each country and ask for someone to translate each screen, and we figure out the technical side with @juanu

I think the best option is to use something like this https://www.npmjs.com/package/gettext-extractor

This will give us the .po file and whoever wants to translate it can use https://poedit.net/ directly and give us a translated file for us to upload.

Thoughts @Nachobr @juanu

I recall Ted saying https://ttag.js.org/ could also be very useful

@Accattone thanks a lot for putting together the proposal! I agree with your points and I would leave it as such.

@sengaa let me see if I understand your idea. Basically, we can get all the current text into one file (a .po file) that we would use as “repository” and when it’s done we’ve got a new .po file that can be uploaded and “automatically” replaces the old text for the new one. That would give us great scalability because as soon as a new team of translators finish up with a new language (and after doing a proper audit), it would be relatively easy to add it, right? I think it’s great, let me know if I can help on it.

Hi @sengaa,
So, if I understand correctly, the translator would not have to use gettext-extractor but only poedit.
I just downloaded this second software, I’ll see what I can do with it.
For my part, I am already working on the translation of a certain number of resources into French but only in Word.
I’ll try to figure out how to make these translations into .po files

Hi @Jkusne,
Thank you for reading my proposal. I’m glad you think it’s right.

Hi @sengaa,
I just tried to run gettext-extractor but my computer skills are too basic to understand what to do on the presentation page of this application: no .exe file, no .zip or .rar… I don’t know how it works and, therefore, I cannot generate a .po file to work on its translation.
On the other hand, I’ve already translated a lot of content on Word files… rather archaic, I know, but at least I know how to do that. Lol!
But if they can be useful in any way, I make these .docx documents available whenever you want.

There seems to be plenty of crowdsourcing tools for translating! I remember helping in some translation with a tool called transifex.com.
For the more advanced web designers out there. How does multi-language support usually works? Could we just have a database for each piece of string that is printed and have them translated in some alternative crowdsourced way? Remember to tap into the collective mind of willing volunteers that are able to help.

@Accattone @ludovico

I think once the new UI is coded, the devs can run a tool that basically picks all the text on the website and convert it to a translation specific file. You can open a translation tool like https://poedit.net, and makes the task super fast. Anyone else that wants to add a new translation can grab the file and go ahead with it. The devs then need to add the translation to the Repo.

So if we’re able to have the .po file in the public repo anyone can add new languages, we should come up with a review process to ensure that the translation is the correct one.


Hello to you!
Indeed, the revision process becomes a fundamental step and requires finding native speakers with a good knowledge in the concerned fields.
In this regard, I am now registered on Linguo for French.
But, of course, if I offer French translations for important contents of Kleros, PoH, etc., I can’t be a reviewer at the same time, I hope that the community will be able to solve this kind of situation by developing its activity.
As for Linguo, calls for tender could be published on this platform and disseminated on PoH’s information and governance tools in order to find suitable and willing candidates to carry out translation and revision tasks.
Have a good night!

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