If anyone else wants to share inputs and help create/edit vids, join here Telegram: Join Group Chat
Can be a series of videos, not just one.
And to others who want to share their story and be featured, send the video/audio/image LINK to us or TEXT story through https://chat.blockscan.com/ or an email through https://ethmail.cc/ using your PoH-registered Ethereum address. Please send it to 0x356DC2BB8b6Ee56fA349cd0A6cBb601c43d08dc2
I agree with you. I think that it is a good idea to make a video about: How UBI has been changing lifes uppon a year of it’s creation
I think it’s important also to talk about how the Telegram group PoH Crowdfunding: The Rolling Funds have been helping a lot of people to get the funds through crowdfunding needed to start the registration process