Delegation thread

Proof of humanity allows to delegate to other members, you can delegate on the delegation page.
Delegations are valid until they are changed.
If you do not vote for a proposal the vote of your delegate will be counted instead.
You always retain your right to vote (so if you and your delegate both vote, your vote will the counted).
Note that if you are using a smart contract wallet, this is the only way to vote, but you can obviously delegate to an account you control.

You can use this thread for a giving a delegate pitch, please format it as follows:



Delegate pitch

Hi, I’m Clément Lesaege and I’m the inventor of Proof Humanity (I wrote the whitepaper based on an idea by Vitalik Buterin with the help of some anonymous contributors). I’m also the CTO and one of the founders of Kleros.
I believe Proof of Humanity to be a very important tool for web3 sybil resistance which can allow better distribution of both wealth and influence by using systems such as 1 person → 1 vote, 1 person → 1 revenue stream and those related to quadratic funding/voting.
I believe in rational and fair decision making.
As a delegate I pledge to vote for what I believe is best for the project.




Delegate pitch

Got into Bitcoin in 2011 and started a digital political party in Buenos Aires in 2012 known as Partido de la Red. In 2015 I founded the Democracy Earth Foundation, a non-profit organization backed by Y Combinator that has deployed open source and censorship resistant democracy pilots around the world. Today I’m also Executive Director of DAO Education, an organization that builds educational tools for the Information Society and authored the book “Hacktivismo”,​ published in 2015 by Random House. For further reference you can check my Github profile and my Linkedin one.

With Democracy Earth we published The Social Smart Contract back in 2017 as an open and collaborative effort to detect relevant strategies for crypto to enable borderless governance and in 2020 we co-authored the paper Who Watches The Watchmen that reviews existing approaches of decentralized identity systems. I been directly responsible for the development of the UBI token that streams itself to verified humans on PoH and I’m knowledgeable about how PoH as a whole works from the inside out.

I will support proposals and ideas that aim to expand the impact and influence of PoH since I firmly believe this could become one of the most relevant networks of the Web3 era.

I commit to always keep open communication channels on Twitter, Telegram, Discourse and any other forums where our community engages to make sure I’m able to make the most informed decision on every vote held in the DAO.

Also, I will engage in tactics that lead to victory with a careful consideration for how each election game is held. I believe that narrowing down justice to strict rationality and game theory is naive and will fight for improvements anywhere is needed.

Last but not least, justice requires empathy and above all: free speech that enables dissent over the status quo of how Proof of Humanity works. I will fight those who dare censoring voices and pretend to centralize power in the protocol.




Delegate Pitch

Not associated with the founding parties, but count myself among the people who were immensely attracted to the vision and joined when PoH was launched. Of the people in this group, I have so far been far the most active in the legislative process.

I am a strong advocate of creating an empowered leadership team with a strong vision for PoH and for doing so quickly. “Decentralized” is all well and good, but nothing is ever positively created by commitee - we need a leadership to push for a vision. And create a backstop and to control on that power. As long as we do not have a leadership, though, there are no partnerships, no coherent communication, small chances of finding more funds for operation.

With respect to myself, I have read an immense amount of philosophy, economics, history, and social science and my formal training as a physicist has given me a solid understanding of statistics and critical thinking. As a small business owner of a SaaS solution I have some understanding of project management and web tools.




Delegate pitch

I’m Jimmy Ragosa and I humbly request that you delegate your PoH DAO voting power to me.

Part of the Bitcoin ecosystem since 2013 and Ethereum since 2016, I’ve been involved in the promotion of the web3 community through the Ethereum France association. As a Product Manager for several Ethereum Startups such as VariabL and Consensys, I have always been ensuring products I am involved with are being improved continuously in a consistent manner with their core vision and I pledge to vote on PoH proposals guaranteeing the best product improvement path ahead.

As I am currently managing the Integrations initiatives as part of the Kleros team who built Proof of Humanity, I will use the delegation powers you entrust me with to ensure the PoH registry becomes a core “lego brick” of the blockchain ecosystem and the undisputed reference when an application needs Sybil resistance.

I am a big believer in the UBI project, being one of the main contributors to its liquidity pools and to the UBI/DAI vault. I will make sure UBI tokenomics keep being improved and experimenting new ways to bring value to its holders. However, I also think UBI is only one for the applications to be built on top of PoH and that it should not be the sole focus of the DAO at the detriment of other promising use cases that could bring tremendous traction for PoH.

Please delegate your vote to me if you believe Proof of Humanity DAO should follow the best practices and experience from the successful DAOs out there and innovate on top of it;

P.S.: (I am the author of HIP-5)



Delegate pitch
Hi, I am Hilde Latour from the Netherlands. I am currently Vice-Chair of Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and co-founder of Mission Possible 2030, bot Basic Income organisations with a global scope. I dedicate most of my time to Basic Income because I believe that Basic Income is the only way to absolute freedom of choice as long as we need money to have access to basic needs. I believe in a future of abundance where people become the guardians of the planet and its resources, with a system of direct democracy. If you are interested in how we could restore the commons and generate Basic Income at the same time, you can watch my TEDx “Building commons on the blockchain, a new narrative for basic income”.
I am also involved in an exciting learning initiative where children are in the lead; Self-Organised learning and Innovation (SOLI Hub).
I will particularly look for proposals that encourage diversity, protect our digital identity and enhance the sustainability of the resources of PoH

For the Planetary Senate of PoH I was interviewed by Humberto Besso




Delegate Pitch

Hello community. I had previously removed my post while building confidence that I understood enough to participate in governance intelligently.

My name is Justin Kalland. As an entrepreneur, I have been building tech products for 20 years. As a crypto enthusiast, I started with Bitcoin in 2010. As a person, I am passionate about applying technology to improving humanity and our home.

PoH’s potential is limitless. What we are building will become a primary protocol for the foundation of decentralization. Bringing humanity to the blockchain isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It will allow decentralization to disrupt the status quo. It will empower humanity not only to solve global issues but to own the solution.

I joined this community in April. From the start, I have participated as much as I can. My primary focus has been on fostering growth in the PoH ecosystem. Part of this has been outreach with other projects. Another part has been supporting developers in building native applications for PoH/UBI. In support of UBI, I have purchased $55,000 from recipients (#UBI_100days) and contribute daily to the vaults ($31k and counting).

We have a long road ahead of us. Without participation in governance, we will fail. Regardless of whether you choose me as your delegate, I am here to serve the community. My commitment is to continue following the vision of limitless potential, of building a foundational protocol. And to put this vision ahead of my own.




Delegate pitch

Hi, I’m Walter Ferrer,
I started at the Coca Cola company where I developed in the marketing and merchandising area; After this, I was one of those summoned by Pepsico to put together the marketing and merchandising strategy.
I currently work as a product manager in a consulting firm dedicated to new clean energy technologies, among other things.
I am extremely new to the PoH community but a fervent admirer of Santiago and I have listened and supported him since I met him on the radio, I am not a computer scientist, I always try to understand more about programming.
Lately I am gaining knowledge of everything related to Kleros to see how to improve it, for the PoH community, so I support this idea Brainstorming Appeal DAO ; Using this as an administrative instance. As I have proposed many times in different HIP treatises here. this instance is extremely necessary, it would solve many of the current challenger level problems
We are facing a new revolution, a new digital ecosystem is proposed, I fervently believe in universal basic income to be able to help people who are outside the system, we work together with the NGO ECOS DEL SOL on trafficking and gender violence
I am currently studying my doctorate in law focused on constitutionalism. So basically I offer my knowledge in law, which is often frowned upon, but it’s always good to add one more person, to help us see the ways we could get in trouble, it’s a community building a new era, with regard to legal issues it is always better to prevent and the more eyes the better
I believe that I can be a good delegate in the matters that I know


(look below for english version)


0x504E7620069a0a8354434dED3150ed7E2ECF5153 o ludoviko.eth

Propuesta de delegado

Hola, soy Luis, más conocido como Ludoviko o el usuario @winterhascome en el grupo de Telegram. Soy un orgulloso miembro de la DAO de Proof of Humanity desde hace unos meses. Soy principalmente activo en los grupos de telegram en español e inglés. Este es mi posteo de delegación.

Mis aportes a la DAO


  • Autor de la HIP-8 que fue votada y aprobada (con el mayor índice de votos de la plataforma a día de hoy)
  • Autor de la HIP-16 que fue votado y aprobado
  • Autor de la HIP-32 que se encuentra actualmente en la fase 2 de desarrollo.
  • Autor de otras HIPs que están en suspenso o a la espera de recibir más atención.

Creación de la comunidad

  • El subreddit Proof of Humanity.
  • Los primeros grupos de Telegram en el idioma nativo de
    – Portugués
    – Chino
    – Ruso
    – francés
    – Italiano
    – Sueco
  • Dos grupos especializados en la discusión de la gobernanza: inglés y español
  • Un canal de alertas sobre votaciones y encuestas de opinión: inglés y español
  • Un canal que contiene información crítica de forma legible y accesible en varios idiomas: Manual PoH
  • Creé un conjunto de iconos de idioma para los grupos de telegramas que ayudan fácilmente a los miembros a identificar el idioma o la categoría de los grupos.
  • Creé un conjunto de carteles, anuncios y otros mensajes que buscan aumentar la concienciación sobre diferentes temas.

Inclusión, creación y mantenimiento de la comunidad

  • He sido uno de los principales colaboradores en los grupos de telegram en inglés y español
  • He sido uno de los administradores de los canales en inglés y español y del resto de los canales que he creado.
  • Hice campaña para la creación de una interacción adecuada en los canales, para que el ambiente sea acogedor para todos.
  • Hice campaña para la inclusión de un bot en el grupo español, y con la ayuda de otros, co-creé los mensajes que el bot muestra como notas guardadas. Actualmente gestiono y mantengo los mensajes que crea el bot.
  • Junto con otros, ayudé a crowdfoundar algunos perfiles.
  • Junto con otros, ayudé a los miembros que estaban en riesgo de ser desafiados, o que fueron desafiados y se enfrentaron a una disputa.
  • Abrí un canal para que los administradores coordinen las acciones entre el ecosistema del grupo español.
  • Creé un sistema de tickets que ayuda a agilizar la resolución de problemas en el ecosistema español.

Mis objetivos para la DAO

Verdadera DAOidad

El entorno actual está orientado a la dependencia de determinadas figuras clave que tienden a centralizar el poder y a bloquear o dificultar el avance de las propuestas que intentan solucionar los principales problemas que tiene el registro actualmente. Mi objetivo es cambiar esto y garantizar que esta sea una verdadera Organización Descentralizada y Autónoma. Las personas en Proof of Humanity no son usuarios, son miembros, y mi objetivo es aumentar el compromiso civil en la gobernanza.

Un registro limpio que tenga una alineación de incentivos de buena fe

El conjunto actual de incentivos está orientado de tal manera que crea un entorno tóxico y un juego de suma cero. Las bandas que coordinan los ataques malintencionados se sienten autorizadas por la falta de castigo a estas acciones. Mi objetivo es construir junto con otros un sistema en el que

  1. Los incentivos se establezcan de tal manera que siga habiendo incentivos para mantener el registro limpio.
  2. Evitar que los malos actores puedan hacerse con el sistema y explotarlo.
  3. Crear un marco ético para los procedimientos que se realizan contra los usuarios.


A día de hoy, no existe una verdadera universalidad en la Renta Básica Universal que este proyecto quiere alcanzar. Por ahora mi objetivo es alcanzar una verdadera universalidad de lenguaje, edad y capacidad. Esto incluye proyectos que ayuden a incluir a los recién nacidos, a los sordos, a los ciegos o a las personas con discapacidades o deformidades que les impidan registrarse.


Algunos de los objetivos son más fáciles de decir que de hacer, y algunos de ellos llevarán más tiempo que otros. Nunca actuaré por mi cuenta, y trabajaré con el diálogo, fuertemente arraigado en los ideales, pero asegurando que incluso la oposición más fuerte a mis ideas sea escuchada y considerada por todos. :wink:


0x504E7620069a0a8354434dED3150ed7E2ECF5153 or ludoviko.eth

Delegate pitch

Hello, I am Luis, mostly known as Ludoviko or the user @winterhascome in the Telegram group. I am a proud member of the Proof of Humanity DAO for some months now. I am mostly active in the Spanish and English telegram groups. I have also created the following:

My contributions to the DAO


  • Authored HIP-8 which was voted and approved (with the highest voting rate in the platform as of today)
  • Authored HIP-16 which was voted and approved
  • Authored HIP-32 which is currently in phase 2 of development.
  • Authored other HIPs which are on hold or waiting to gain further attention.

Community creation

  • The Proof of Humanity subreddit.
  • The first Telegram groups in the native language of
    – Portuguese
    – Chinese
    – Russian
    – French
    – Italian
    – Swedish
  • Two groups specialized in governance discussion: english and spanish
  • A channel for alerts regarding voting and opinion polls: english and spanish
  • A channel that holds critical information in a readable and accessible way in multiple languages: PoH manual
  • I created a set of icon language for the telegram groups that easily help members to identify language or category of groups.
  • I created a set of posters, ads and other messages that look to increase awareness of different issues.

Inclusiveness, Community building and maintenance

  • I have been a top contributor in the english and spanish telegram groups
  • I have been one of the admins of both the English and Spanish channels and the rest of the channels I created.
  • I campaigned for the creation of proper interaction in the channels, so that the environment is welcoming for everyone.
  • I campaigned for the inclusion of a bot in the spanish group, and with the help of others, I co-created the messages that the bot display as saved notes. I currently manage and maintain the messages that the bot creates.
  • Along with others, I helped to crowdfound some profiles.
  • Along with others, I helped members that were in risk of being challenged, or were challenged and were facing a dispute.
  • I opened up a channel for the admins to coordinate actions between the Spanish group ecosystem.
  • I created a ticket system that helps streamline problem-solving of issues in the Spanish ecosystem.

My goals for the DAO

True DAOness

Current environment is geared toward the dependence of specific key figures that tend to centralize the power and block or hinder the progress of proposals that try to address the major issues the registry is currently having. My goal is to change this and guarantee that this is a true Decentralized and Autonomous Organization. People in Proof of Humanity are not users, they are members, and my goal is to increase civil engagement in the governance.

A clean registry that has good-faith alignment of incentives

Current set of incentives is geared in such a way that creates a toxic environment and a zero-sum game. Bands that coordinate malicious attacks feel empowered because of the lack of punishment to these actions. My goal is to build along with others a system in which

  1. Incentives are set in such a way that there are still incentives to keep the registry clean.
  2. Prevent that bad actors can get a hold and exploit the system.
  3. Create an ethical framework for procedures that are performed against users.


As of today, there isn’t a truly universalness in the Universal Basic Income that this project wants to reach. For now my goal is to reach true universalness of language, age and ableness. This includes projects that would help include newborn babies, deaf, blind or people with disabilities or deformities that would prevent them from registering.


Some of the goals are easier said than done, and some of these will take longer than others. I will never act on my own, and will work with dialogue, heavily rooted in ideals, but ensuring that even the strongest opposition to my ideas are heard and considered by everyone. :wink:


I’m against for admins to have delegation voting power, they should’nt be admins of any Channel, since their intrinsic contribution is to admin the groups, they are most likely to receive voting delegation.



(owns forer.eth)

Delegate pitch

Hey, I’m Green. I’m a developer, currently working at Kleros. Became active in PoH around a month ago.


  • technical person
  • actively developing. Got skills all across the stack:
    • bots
    • smart contracts (gas optimizations)
    • mechanism design
    • frontend
  • I know Spanish
  • common sense, adversarial thinking


  • Legal minimalism. Stop the creation of legal bloat. HIPs that increase the complexity and create legal debt will be stopped. The DAO should only concern itself with minimum, important stuff. Community management will be out of the reach of PoH DAO.
  • Technical minimalism. Complicated tasks should be outsourced to other DAOs. To be explicit, Judicial tasks is an example of a class of tasks that should be outsourced.
  • English as Lingua Franca. Stop active, binding documents from being made in Spanish. English is the most spoken language and using Spanish excludes participants. Spanish should never used in HIPs, or serious discussion involving them.
  • PoH as Sybil Resistance. Sybil Resistance will be the non-negotiable trait of the registry against every else. This includes inclusion: farmers should not exist. Sybils are defined as humans controlling multiple private keys. Attempts at stopping this (while keeping true to the minimalism) will be made.
  • Skin in the Game. Making parties have something to lose when they misbehave is desirable, prevents misbehavior and rewards reporting it.



Delegate Pitch

Hi, I’m Ruben from Venezuela. I am a developer, I was a university professor for 8 years and used to teach about blockchain and smart contracts the last years. I worked in positions with high work standards. And in recent times I have dedicated myself to freelancing and completing post-graduate studies.

That knowledge has helped me to develop some things with which I have tried to give my support to this project.


  • The UBI Burner: a scheme to facilitate token appreciation by burning UBIs in a trustless manner.

  • The VouchMarket: a kind of VIP vouch site that generates profits for vouchers while burning UBIs in the UBIburner

  • PlayerBlocks: A play-to-earn academy where anyone creates scholarships on web3 games to benefit the community while giving part of the proceeds to the UBIburner

  • The DAO guide ( A guide that provides support to register in a simple way, with tips, tools and step-by-step explanation of registration phases and policies. Guidance on governance, DAO and smart contracts, as well as UBI and Proof of Humanity integrations.

  • In early phases of the project I helped the community with technical issues about ethereum transactions, PoH contract, registration phases, to everyone who ever asked for help for problems with their profiles or just for some information. Much of this work was accomplished in the main PoH telegram groups, PoHDebug and other support groups.

  • I defended cases of challenges when nobody was doing it yet, many didn’t even know that their profiles are still valid thanks to technical evidences sent just for helping the community.

  • Today I am moderator of the main telegram group in Spanish.

  • I continue to work on projects to provide utilities to Proof of Humanity and UBI. (among them, a second version of the UBI Burner and an NFT project for the community).


  • My intention is to have the least bureaucratic DAO possible with many applications and use cases for PoH.

  • Always propitiate the strength of the registry, as its main reason for being is a Sybil resistance list.

  • Help PoH consolidate as the backbone of identity across the web.

  • Encourage the pursuit of a truly decentralized DAO where efforts are focused on building and scaling the project.

  • To be a voice of balance and commitment for the DAO and its development.

If you want to delegate your vote to me you can contact me here by direct message or through telegram under the username “rubensantana”, I will keep you informed about what I will vote for and why.


Given the recent influx of the greate Burmese community, here is the translation of my delegation thread in burmese!

0x504E7620069a0a8354434dED3150ed7E2ECF5153 သို့မဟုတ် ludoviko.eth
Delegate အစေး

မင်္ဂလာပါ၊ ကျွန်ုပ်သည် Ludoviko သို့မဟုတ် Telegram အဖွဲ့ရှိ အသုံးပြုသူ @winterhascome ဟု အများအားဖြင့် သိကြသော Luis ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်သည် လူသားဖြစ်တည်မှုဆိုင်ရာ သက်သေ DAO ၏ အဖွဲ့ဝင်တစ်ဦးဖြစ်နေသည်မှာ လအနည်းငယ်ကြာနေပြီဖြစ်သည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်သည် စပိန်နှင့် အင်္ဂလိပ်ကြေးနန်းစာအဖွဲ့များတွင် တက်ကြွစွာပါဝင်နေပါသည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်သည်လည်း အောက်ပါတို့ကို ဖန်တီးထားပါသည်။
DAO အတွက် ကျွန်ုပ်၏ ပံ့ပိုးမှုများ

မဲပေးပြီး အတည်ပြုထားသည့် HIP-8 ကို ရေးသားခဲ့သည် (ယနေ့အထိ ပလက်ဖောင်းတွင် အမြင့်ဆုံးမဲပေးနှုန်းဖြင့်)
မဲပေးပြီး အတည်ပြုခဲ့သည့် HIP-16 ကို ရေးသားခဲ့သည်။
HIP-32 သည် လက်ရှိ ဖွံ့ဖြိုးတိုးတက်မှု အဆင့် 2 တွင် ရှိနေသည်။
ခေတ္တဆိုင်းငံ့ထား သို့မဟုတ် စောင့်ဆိုင်းနေသည့် အခြားသော HIP များကို ရေးသားပြုစုထားသည်။


လူသားမျိုးနွယ်၏ သက်သေ အနှစ်ချုပ်။
ပထမဦးဆုံး Telegram အဖွဲ့များ၏ မိခင်ဘာသာစကား
- ပေါ်တူဂီ
- တရုတ်
- ရုရှား
- ပြင်သစ်
- အီတလီ
- ဆွီဒင်
အုပ်ချုပ်ရေး ဆွေးနွေးမှုတွင် အထူးပြုအုပ်စုနှစ်စု- အင်္ဂလိပ်နှင့် စပိန်
မဲပေးခြင်းနှင့် သဘောထားစစ်တမ်းများအကြောင်း သတိပေးချက်များအတွက် ချန်နယ်- အင်္ဂလိပ်နှင့် စပိန်
ဘာသာစကားမျိုးစုံဖြင့် ဖတ်ရှု၍ရနိုင်သော နည်းလမ်းဖြင့် အရေးကြီးသောအချက်အလက်များကို ကိုင်ဆောင်ထားသည့် ချန်နယ်တစ်ခု- PoH လက်စွဲ
အဖွဲ့ဝင်များကို ဘာသာစကား သို့မဟုတ် အုပ်စုများ၏ အမျိုးအစားကို အလွယ်တကူခွဲခြားသိမြင်နိုင်ရန် ကူညီပေးသော ကြေးနန်းအဖွဲ့များအတွက် အိုင်ကွန်ဘာသာစကားအစုံကို ဖန်တီးထားပါသည်။
မတူညီသောပြဿနာများကို ပိုမိုသိရှိနားလည်စေရန်အတွက် ပိုစတာများ၊ ကြော်ငြာများနှင့် အခြားမက်ဆေ့ချ်အစုံကို ဖန်တီးခဲ့သည်။

အားလုံးပါဝင်ရေး၊ အသိုက်အဝန်းတည်ဆောက်ရေးနှင့် ပြုပြင်ထိန်းသိမ်းရေး

ကျွန်ုပ်သည် အင်္ဂလိပ်နှင့် စပိန်ကြေးနန်းအဖွဲ့များတွင် ထိပ်တန်းပံ့ပိုးသူတစ်ဦးဖြစ်သည်။
ကျွန်ုပ်သည် အင်္ဂလိပ်နှင့် စပိန်ချန်နယ်နှစ်ခုလုံး၏ စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူများထဲမှ တစ်ဦးဖြစ်ပြီး ကျွန်ုပ်ဖန်တီးထားသော ကျန်ချန်နယ်များဖြစ်သည်။
ပတ်ဝန်းကျင်က လူတိုင်းကို ကြိုဆိုဖို့ ချန်နယ်တွေမှာ သင့်လျော်တဲ့ အပြန်အလှန်တုံ့ပြန်မှုတွေ ဖန်တီးဖို့ လှုံ့ဆော်ခဲ့တယ်။
စပိန်အဖွဲ့တွင် ဘော့တ်တစ်ခုပါဝင်ရန် လှုံ့ဆော်ခဲ့ပြီး အခြားသူများ၏အကူအညီဖြင့်၊ ဘော့တ်သည် သိမ်းဆည်းထားသောမှတ်စုများအဖြစ်ပြသသည့် မက်ဆေ့ချ်များကို ပူးတွဲဖန်တီးခဲ့သည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်သည် ဘော့တ်ဖန်တီးသော မက်ဆေ့ချ်များကို လောလောဆယ် စီမံခန့်ခွဲထိန်းသိမ်းပါသည်။
တခြားသူတွေနဲ့အတူ ပရိုဖိုင်တချို့ကို လူစုလူဝေးဖြစ်အောင် ကူညီပေးခဲ့တယ်။
တခြားသူတွေနဲ့အတူ၊ စိန်ခေါ်ခံရနိုင်ခြေရှိတဲ့ အဖွဲ့ဝင်တွေ၊ ဒါမှမဟုတ် စိန်ခေါ်ခံရပြီး အငြင်းပွားမှုနဲ့ ရင်ဆိုင်ရတဲ့ အဖွဲ့ဝင်တွေကို ကူညီပေးခဲ့တယ်။
စပိန်အုပ်စုဂေဟစနစ်ကြားတွင် လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်များကို စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူများအတွက် ချန်နယ်တစ်ခုဖွင့်ထားပါသည်။
စပိန်ဂေဟစနစ်ရှိ ပြဿနာများကို ဖြေရှင်းရာတွင် လွယ်ကူချောမွေ့စေမည့် လက်မှတ်စနစ်တစ်ခုကို ဖန်တီးခဲ့သည်။

DAO အတွက် ကျွန်တော့် ရည်မှန်းချက်
စစ်မှန်သော DAOness

လက်ရှိအခြေအနေသည် အာဏာကိုဗဟိုချုပ်ကိုင်ပြီး ပိတ်ဆို့ခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်းလက်ရှိဖြစ်ပေါ်နေသော အဓိကပြဿနာများကိုဖြေရှင်းရန်ကြိုးစားသည့် အဆိုပြုချက်များ၏တိုးတက်မှုကို အဟန့်အတားဖြစ်စေသော တိကျသောအဓိကပုဂ္ဂိုလ်များ၏မှီခိုမှုကို ဦးတည်ထားသည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်၏ ရည်မှန်းချက်မှာ ၎င်းကို ပြောင်းလဲရန်နှင့် ၎င်းသည် စစ်မှန်သော ဗဟိုချုပ်ကိုင်မှု ကင်းရှင်းပြီး ကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရ အဖွဲ့အစည်းဖြစ်ကြောင်း အာမခံပါသည်။ လူသားဖြစ်တည်မှုကို သက်သေပြသောသူများသည် အသုံးပြုသူများမဟုတ်ပါ၊ ၎င်းတို့သည် အဖွဲ့ဝင်များဖြစ်ကြပြီး ကျွန်ုပ်၏ရည်မှန်းချက်မှာ အုပ်ချုပ်ရေးတွင် လူထုပါဝင်ဆောင်ရွက်မှုကို တိုးမြှင့်ရန်ဖြစ်သည်။
ခိုင်မာသော မက်လုံးပေးမှုများ၏ သစ္စာစောင့်သိမှု ပေါင်းစပ်ထားသော သန့်ရှင်းသော မှတ်ပုံတင်မှု

လက်ရှိမက်လုံးများအစုသည် အဆိပ်သင့်သောပတ်ဝန်းကျင်နှင့် သုညဂိမ်းကိုဖန်တီးပေးသည့်နည်းလမ်းဖြင့် ဦးတည်ထားသည်။ အန္တရာယ်ရှိသော တိုက်ခိုက်မှုများကို ပူးပေါင်းဆောင်ရွက်သော တီးဝိုင်းများသည် ဤလုပ်ရပ်များအတွက် ပြစ်ဒဏ်ပေးခြင်း မရှိခြင်းကြောင့် အခွင့်အာဏာ ခံစားရသည်။ ကျွန်တော့်ရဲ့ ရည်မှန်းချက်က တခြားသူတွေနဲ့ တွဲပြီး တည်ဆောက်တဲ့ စနစ်တစ်ခုပါ။

Registry ကို သန့်ရှင်းအောင်ထားရန် မက်လုံးများရှိနေသေးသည့်ပုံစံဖြင့် မက်လုံးများသတ်မှတ်ထားသည်။
မကောင်းတဲ့ သရုပ်ဆောင်တွေက စနစ်ကို ချုပ်ကိုင်ထားပြီး အမြတ်ထုတ်တာကို တားဆီးပါ။
သုံးစွဲသူများကို ဆန့်ကျင်သည့် လုပ်ထုံးလုပ်နည်းများအတွက် ကျင့်ဝတ်မူဘောင်တစ်ခု ဖန်တီးပါ။


ယနေ့အထိ၊ ဤပရောဂျက်ကို ရောက်လိုသော Universal Basic Income တွင် အမှန်တကယ် သာလွန်ကောင်းမွန်မှု မရှိပါ။ ယခုအချိန်တွင် ကျွန်ုပ်၏ ရည်မှန်းချက်မှာ ဘာသာစကား၊ အသက်အရွယ်နှင့် စွမ်းရည်တို့၏ စစ်မှန်သော စကြာဝဠာကြီးသို့ ရောက်ရှိရန်ဖြစ်သည်။ ၎င်းတွင် မွေးကင်းစကလေးငယ်များ၊ နားမကြားသူများ၊ မျက်မမြင်များ သို့မဟုတ် မသန်စွမ်းသူများ သို့မဟုတ် ပုံသဏ္ဍာန်ချို့ယွင်းသူများ စာရင်းသွင်းခြင်းမှ တားဆီးမည့် ပရောဂျက်များ ပါဝင်သည်။

အချို့သော ပန်းတိုင်များသည် ပြီးသည်ထက် လွယ်ကူသည်ဟု ဆိုကြပြီး အချို့မှာ အခြားအရာများထက် ပိုကြာမည်ဖြစ်သည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်သည် မည်သည့်အခါမျှ ကိုယ်ပိုင်လုပ်ဆောင်မည်မဟုတ်ပါ၊ အတွေးအခေါ်များ ပြင်းထန်စွာ အမြစ်တွယ်နေသည့် တွေ့ဆုံဆွေးနွေးမှုဖြင့် လုပ်ဆောင်မည်ဖြစ်သော်လည်း ကျွန်ုပ်၏ အယူအဆများအပေါ် အပြင်းထန်ဆုံး ဆန့်ကျင်မှုများကိုပင် လူတိုင်းကြားပြီး စဉ်းစားသုံးသပ်ရန် သေချာစေပါသည်။ :wink:



Delegate pitch

Hello, I am Angel Lorente, first Cuban in our registry and also one of the first 8000 registered humans. I strongly believe in the changes that Free Software and Decentralization can bring about in the world. I defend digital democracy and the self-determination of our DAO.

For months I was a volunteer in the official and unofficial Telegram groups of the project. I have also actively helped to troubleshoot new members of the community. I am a co-author of two HIPs and actively participate in governance and voting.


  • Self-determination of the DAO in the exercise of digital democracy.
  • Greater inclusion in the registry while maintaining security and sybil-resistance.
  • Suppression of malicious actors attempting to manipulate governance or profit from the protocol.
  • Elimination of centralization in the making and execution of decisions and proposals.