HIP: Number to be assigned
title: Define text to be read for profile renewal.
author: ludoviko
status: Phase 2
created: 2021-10-24
Simple summary
Clarify what the phrase should be for renewal of the profile.
Now that the renewal period has begun for some, there are some issues regarding the phrase that should be used for renewal. Current phrase states “…and that I am not already registered in this registry” which would be false for already registered users. The primary aim for this proposal would be to clearly define what the phrase should be.
The renewals beginning in the following month is going to trigger more opportunistic challenges due to lack of clarification of the current text.
An upgrade to the metadata document should be added which will specify the renewal procedure.
Add a section with title “Elements required for renewal” and say
The renewal procedure will follow the same rules than the registry procedure except:
The renewer must say <to be defined, see below>. Renewers should speak in their normal voice and should not attempt mimicking someone else’s voice. Speaking before or after the required sentence is acceptable. Poor English accents, mispronunciations, and the switch or oversight of words in that sentence are not grounds for rejections
The sign should display in a readable manner the <time validation options, se below>
Proposed new phrases in English
“I certify that I am a real human and that I am renewing my registration on this registry” by @juanu
“I certify that I am a real human and that I am re-applying for this registry” by @Koki
"“I certify that I am a real human, and this is my video for Proof of Humanity.” by @ruben
Proposed alternatives for time validation
The sign should show an ethereum blockhash, which could be
the time when the renewer clicked on the “renew” button.
some periodical reference time in the recent past, for example the midnight UTC of last day, or 00:01:00 UTC of the first day of each month.
The way that this time validation is generated should be less mistake-prone for the renewer, and easier/faster for the challenger to catch a mismatch. A solution that could prevent long character strings is to shorten the hash into an even shorter hash through some shortening algorithm. Ideally it would consist of 4-6 characters.
De acuerdo con la esencia de la propuesta en cuanto a la necesidad de clarificar la frase para la renovación. La inclusión o no de idiomas alternativos debería tratarse en una propuesta distinta ya que es un tema controversial.
I do propose that this part of the proposal must be removed in order to advance to Phase 2. The inclusion of another language is unnecessary and violate the KISS principle which has been characterizing the entire Proof Of Humanity project. If we need to include another language or not, should be discussed in another proposal.
I think this is a great option.
Renweing could be a tricky word for the non english speakers. What do you think if we use:
“I certify that I am a real human and that i am reaplying for this registry”.?
It would be very interesting to accept multiple languages. And let the people that understand that language can be capable to certify this. For example, and entry point to this could be a bilingual human. And this human can be the first approver. Then the rest of the native language can validate the upcoming registers.
I would rather make it explicit that the registration phrase is also valid for renewals even if the meaning is not correct. Otherwise, I foresee people mistakenly using the registration phrase and getting challenged. Is there a clear benefit in having a different phrase for renewals?
For registrations and renewals, what do you think about changing “registry” to “proof of humanity”? “Registry” is too generic. People that are paid/manipulated into recording the video for someone else would have a higher chance of finding out what this is about.
there are 6000 spoken language in the planet, so for each additional language, there should be an additional certified native speaker. The logistic problem is not very well understood, especially when I am proposing to add just one other language, as a second language to everyone.
It could be a way, it sounds like when these sort of ad hoc, patching up over the last mistake kind of approach will end up in a very convoluted process. On the other hand it could be a really good way out to the uninformed. The fact that the statement is devoid of sense only supports even more the question of using a neutral language for it.
The point is that I am trying to make the proposal the most permanent possible. The use of the two phrases would require at some point in the future to fix that and make the process clearer.
Juanu’s option is good, but Koki’s seems to be the easiest to pronounce. For non-natives “renewing my registration on this registry” might be too many difficult “R’s”.
Also, what do you think since this is a renewal, and people are already onboarded on the procedure, to add another layer that guarantees that the renewal was not recorded in advance? There were options offered before, like reading the latest block hash or holding a newspaper or something similar.